Michael L. Perlis
Department of Psychiatry
University of Rochester
NY 14642
Name/email consistency: high
- Insomnia as a risk factor for onset of depression in the elderly. Perlis, M.L., Smith, L.J., Lyness, J.M., Matteson, S.R., Pigeon, W.R., Jungquist, C.R., Tu, X. Behav. Sleep. Med (2006)
- Meteorologic factors and subjective sleep continuity: a preliminary evaluation. Pandey, J., Grandner, M., Crittenden, C., Smith, M.T., Perlis, M.L. Int. J. Biometeorol (2005)
- Placebo effects in primary insomnia. Perlis, M.L., McCall, W.V., Jungquist, C.R., Pigeon, W.R., Matteson, S.E. Sleep. Med. Rev (2005)
- The effects of modafinil and cognitive behavior therapy on sleep continuity in patients with primary insomnia. Perlis, M.L., Smith, M.T., Orff, H., Enright, T., Nowakowski, S., Jungquist, C., Plotkin, K. Sleep (2004)
- Long-term, non-nightly administration of zolpidem in the treatment of patients with primary insomnia. Perlis, M.L., McCall, W.V., Krystal, A.D., Walsh, J.K. J. Clin. Psychiatry (2004)
- On the comparability of pharmacotherapy and behavior therapy for chronic insomnia. Commentary and implications. Perlis, M.L., Smith, M.T., Cacialli, D.O., Nowakowski, S., Orff, H. J. Psychosom. Res (2003)
- Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is associated with a primary defect within the serotonergic system. Perlis, M., Smith, M., Orff, H. Sleep. Med. Rev (2002)
- Beta/Gamma EEG activity in patients with primary and secondary insomnia and good sleeper controls. Perlis, M.L., Smith, M.T., Andrews, P.J., Orff, H., Giles, D.E. Sleep (2001)
- Behavioral treatment of insomnia: treatment outcome and the relevance of medical and psychiatric morbidity. Perlis, M.L., Sharpe, M., Smith, M.T., Greenblatt, D., Giles, D. J. Behav. Med (2001)
- The mesograde amnesia of sleep may be attenuated in subjects with primary insomnia. Perlis, M.L., Smith, M.T., Orff, H.J., Andrews, P.J., Giles, D.E. Physiol. Behav. (2001)