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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)
Chemical Compound Review

IAA-94     2-[[(2S)-6,7-dichloro-2- cyclopentyl-2...

Synonyms: AC1LCVGT, AG-F-87436, CHEMBL1406302, BSPBio_001355, KBioGR_000075, ...
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Disease relevance of IAA-94

  • We confirmed that IAA-94 blocked IPC-, APNEA- and PMA-induced protection against infarction in the isolated heart model [1].
  • RESULTS: Indanyloxyacetic acid 94, a selective Cl(-) channel inhibitor that produced substantial inhibition of the regulatory volume decrease (RVD) when given at 10 microM concentration in cultured cardiomyocytes, was administered before ischemia to block RVD through Cl(-) channel inhibition [1].
  • CCPA, APNEA and PMA significantly (P<0.01) reduced the % of dead cardiomyocytes (by trypan blue staining) after 45 min SI/60 min SR, as compared to controls, while IAA-94 abolished this protection but did not affect PKCepsilon translocation by IPC [1].

High impact information on IAA-94

  • K+ channel blockers, Ba2+, and quinine strongly suppressed both the response in cell membrane potentials (Vb) and in (Cl-)i to the bath K+ step, while Cl- channel blockers, A9C (1 mM) and IAA-94 (0.3 mM) inhibited only the latter response by 49 and 74%, respectively [2].
  • Previously, using the ligand indanyloxyacetic acid (IAA), we purified four major proteins from bovine kidney cortex membrane vesicles [3].
  • In addition, these same antibodies were able to deplete IAA-94 inhibitable chloride channel activity from solubilized kidney membranes [3].
  • Specifically bound protein was eluted with 100 microM IAA-94 and either analyzed by SDS-gel electrophoresis or reconstituted into phospholipid vesicles [4].
  • It was inhibited by nickel and zinc ions in the micromolar range, but was unaffected by cobalt and had a low sensitivity to inhibition by the chloride channel blockers niflumic acid, DIDS, and IAA-94 [5].

Biological context of IAA-94


Anatomical context of IAA-94


Associations of IAA-94 with other chemical compounds


Gene context of IAA-94

  • Neither 4,4'dinitrostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (100 microM) nor indanyloxyacetic acid 94 (50 microM) caused any change in either of the guinea pig ventricular currents [18].
  • Baseline diameter of afferent arterioles was not altered by 30 mumol/L IAA-94; however, AngII responsiveness was markedly attenuated [14].
  • A Cl(-)-channel inhibitor, IAA-94, blunted the depolarization and sustained elevation of [Ca2+]i in response to ET-1 [15].
  • Lowering of the extracellular Na+ concentration, but not IAA-94, a Cl- channel inhibitor, reduced both the PAR-1-mediated contraction and relaxation by about 50% [19].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of IAA-94


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