Gene Review:
H2-T3 - histocompatibility 2, T region locus 3
Mus musculus
H-2 class I histocompatibility antigen, TLA(B) alpha chain, H-2T3, H2-Tw3, MHC thymus leukemia antigen, TL
- Expression of Thy1, TL and LYT antigens on spontaneous leukemias of BALB/MO strain of mice. Strzadała, L., Opolski, A., Kisielow, P. Arch. Immunol. Ther. Exp. (Warsz.) (1981)
- Antigen-presenting function of the TL antigen and mouse CD1 molecules. Cheroutre, H., Holcombe, H.R., Tangri, S., Castaño, A.R., Teitell, M., Miller, J.E., Cardell, S., Benoist, C., Mathis, D., Huse, W.D. Immunol. Rev. (1995)
- TL antigen is not linked to radioinduced thymic lymphoma. Boudreau, R., St-Pierre, Y., Beauchemin, C., Potworowski, E.F. Cell. Immunol. (1998)
- Positive selection of gamma delta CTL by TL antigen expressed in the thymus. Tsujimura, K., Takahashi, T., Morita, A., Hasegawa-Nishiwaki, H., Iwase, S., Obata, Y. J. Exp. Med. (1996)
- Nonclassical behavior of the thymus leukemia antigen: peptide transporter-independent expression of a nonclassical class I molecule. Holcombe, H.R., Castaño, A.R., Cheroutre, H., Teitell, M., Maher, J.K., Peterson, P.A., Kronenberg, M. J. Exp. Med. (1995)
- DNA sequence of a class I pseudogene from the Tla region of the murine MHC: recombination at a B2 alu repetitive sequence. Fisher, D.A., Pecht, M., Hood, L. J. Mol. Evol. (1989)
- Expression of Ly 1, Ly 2, Thy 1, and TL differentiation antigens on mouse T-cell tumors. Mathieson, B.J., Campbell, P.S., Potter, M., Asofsky, R. J. Exp. Med. (1978)
- Expression of TL, H-2, and chimeric H-2/TL genes in transgenic mice: abnormal thymic differentiation and T-cell lymphomas in a TL transgenic strain. Hamasima, N., Takahashi, T., Taguchi, O., Nishizuka, Y., Stockert, E., Old, L.J., Obata, Y. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1989)
- Regulation of TL antigen expression. Analysis of the T18d promoter region and responses to IFN-gamma. Wang, I.M., Mehta, V., Cook, R.G. J. Immunol. (1993)
- An indirect radioimmunoassay for thymus leukemia (TL) antigens. Esmon, N.L., Little, J.R. J. Immunol. (1976)
- Antigens specified by the Tla locus are expressed on the surface of murine Langerhans cells. Rowden, G., Misra, B., Higley, H., Howard, R. J. Invest. Dermatol. (1983)
- Highly restricted expression of the thymus leukemia antigens on intestinal epithelial cells. Wu, M., van Kaer, L., Itohara, S., Tonegawa, S. J. Exp. Med. (1991)
- Radiation-induced murine leukemia ERLD in cell culture. Albrecht, A.M., Biedler, J.L., Hutchison, D.J., Spengler, B.A., Stockert, E. Cancer Res. (1976)
- Further polymorphism of the Tla locus defined by monoclonal TL antibodies. Shen, F.W., Chorney, M.J., Boyse, E.A. Immunogenetics (1982)
- Abnormal thymic development, impaired immune function and gamma delta T cell lymphomas in a TL transgenic mouse strain. Obata, Y., Taguchi, O., Matsudaira, Y., Hasegawa, H., Hamasima, N., Takahashi, T. J. Exp. Med. (1991)
- Characteristics of thymus-homing bone marrow cells. Lepault, F., Coffman, R.L., Weissman, I.L. J. Immunol. (1983)
- Structural evidence that the small subunit found associated with the TL antigen is beta 2-microglobulin. Yokoyama, K., Stockert, E., Old, L.J., Nathenson, S.G. Immunogenetics (1982)
- TL antigen as a transplantation antigen recognized by TL-restricted cytotoxic T cells. Morita, A., Takahashi, T., Stockert, E., Nakayama, E., Tsuji, T., Matsudaira, Y., Old, L.J., Obata, Y. J. Exp. Med. (1994)
- Structural identity of the TL antigen homologues derived from strain 2 and strain 13 guinea pigs. Surratt, R.S., Abruzzini, L.N., Zacheis, M.P., Cigen, R., Schwartz, B.D. J. Immunol. (1983)