Gene Review:
pkg-1 - Protein PKG-1
Caenorhabditis elegans
- Cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase EGL-4 controls body size and lifespan in C elegans. Hirose, T., Nakano, Y., Nagamatsu, Y., Misumi, T., Ohta, H., Ohshima, Y. Development (2003)
- A novel gain-of-function mutant of the cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase egl-4 affects multiple physiological processes in Caenorhabditis elegans. Raizen, D.M., Cullison, K.M., Pack, A.I., Sundaram, M.V. Genetics (2006)
- egl-4 acts through a transforming growth factor-beta/SMAD pathway in Caenorhabditis elegans to regulate multiple neuronal circuits in response to sensory cues. Daniels, S.A., Ailion, M., Thomas, J.H., Sengupta, P. Genetics (2000)
- cGMP and a germ-line signal control body size in C. elegans through cGMP-dependent protein kinase EGL-4. Nakano, Y., Nagamatsu, Y., Ohshima, Y. Genes Cells (2004)