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Gene Review

Pknox1  -  Pbx/knotted 1 homeobox

Mus musculus

Synonyms: D17Wsu76e, Homeobox protein PKNOX1, PBX/knotted homeobox 1, PREP1
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High impact information on Pknox1

  • Hypomorphic mutation of the TALE gene Prep1 (pKnox1) causes a major reduction of Pbx and Meis proteins and a pleiotropic embryonic phenotype [1].
  • Prep1 is also localized to FL endothelial progenitors, consistent with the observed angiogenic phenotype [1].
  • Our data indicate that Prep1 is an essential gene that acts upstream of and within a Pbx-Meis network that regulates multiple aspects of embryonic development [1].
  • To understand the in vivo role of Prep1, we have analyzed an embryonic lethal hypomorphic mutant mouse (Prep1(i/i)) [1].
  • Furthermore, we have shown that the R2 motif functions as a strong PM site, with a high binding affinity for Prep1-Pbx1 dimers, and renamed this site R2/PM3 [2].

Biological context of Pknox1

  • An additional 103 residues N-terminal to the Pbx dimerization interface restored heterodimerization with Hox and Meis1/Prep1 proteins [3].

Anatomical context of Pknox1

  • Involvement of Prep1 in the alphabeta T-cell receptor T-lymphocytic potential of hematopoietic precursors [4].
  • Immunocytochemical analysis demonstrated that PREP-1 was present in both granulosa cells and oocytes [5].
  • The aim of the present study was to determine the expression of PBX and PREP-1 gene products in the mouse ovary and their localization to particular ovarian compartment, specifically the oocyte-containing ovarian follicle [5].
  • In the adult mouse, PREP1 is expressed ubiquitously, with peaks in testis and thymus [6].

Associations of Pknox1 with chemical compounds

  • Using glutathione S-transferase interaction assays, we demonstrate that Pbx1 and Prep1 interact with Smads 2 and 3 as well [7].
  • No PREP-1 immunoreactivity was found in corpus luteum, theca or stroma [5].
  • As with Hox proteins, a highly conserved tryptophan motif N-terminal to the DNA-binding domains of each myogenic bHLH family protein is required for cooperative DNA binding with Pbx-Meis1/Prep1 [8].

Other interactions of Pknox1

  • We have identified a new PM site (PM2) and found that it cooperates with the R3 PH site to form ternary Prep1-Pbx1-Hoxb1 complexes [2].
  • Therefore, the deficient postnatal T-lymphocytic potential of the Prep1 hematopoietic progenitors depends on the combined, not compensated, absence of Prep1 and at least Pbx2 [4].
  • Segmental expression of Hoxb2 in r4 requires two separate sites that integrate cooperative interactions between Prep1, Pbx and Hox proteins [9].
  • We describe Prep2, a new murine homeobox-containing gene closely related to Prep1 [10].


  1. Hypomorphic mutation of the TALE gene Prep1 (pKnox1) causes a major reduction of Pbx and Meis proteins and a pleiotropic embryonic phenotype. Ferretti, E., Villaescusa, J.C., Di Rosa, P., Fernandez-Diaz, L.C., Longobardi, E., Mazzieri, R., Miccio, A., Micali, N., Selleri, L., Ferrari, G., Blasi, F. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2006) [Pubmed]
  2. Hoxb1 enhancer and control of rhombomere 4 expression: complex interplay between PREP1-PBX1-HOXB1 binding sites. Ferretti, E., Cambronero, F., Tümpel, S., Longobardi, E., Wiedemann, L.M., Blasi, F., Krumlauf, R. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2005) [Pubmed]
  3. An inhibitory switch derepressed by pbx, hox, and Meis/Prep1 partners regulates DNA-binding by pbx1 and E2a-pbx1 and is dispensable for myeloid immortalization by E2a-pbx1. Calvo, K.R., Knoepfler, P., McGrath, S., Kamps, M.P. Oncogene (1999) [Pubmed]
  4. Involvement of Prep1 in the alphabeta T-cell receptor T-lymphocytic potential of hematopoietic precursors. Penkov, D., Di Rosa, P., Fernandez Diaz, L., Basso, V., Ferretti, E., Grassi, F., Mondino, A., Blasi, F. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2005) [Pubmed]
  5. Expression of Hox cofactor genes during mouse ovarian follicular development and oocyte maturation. Villaescusa, J.C., Verrotti, A.C., Ferretti, E., Farookhi, R., Blasi, F. Gene (2004) [Pubmed]
  6. The PBX-regulating protein PREP1 is present in different PBX-complexed forms in mouse. Ferretti, E., Schulz, H., Talarico, D., Blasi, F., Berthelsen, J. Mech. Dev. (1999) [Pubmed]
  7. Activin regulation of the follicle-stimulating hormone beta-subunit gene involves Smads and the TALE homeodomain proteins Pbx1 and Prep1. Bailey, J.S., Rave-Harel, N., McGillivray, S.M., Coss, D., Mellon, P.L. Mol. Endocrinol. (2004) [Pubmed]
  8. A conserved motif N-terminal to the DNA-binding domains of myogenic bHLH transcription factors mediates cooperative DNA binding with pbx-Meis1/Prep1. Knoepfler, P.S., Bergstrom, D.A., Uetsuki, T., Dac-Korytko, I., Sun, Y.H., Wright, W.E., Tapscott, S.J., Kamps, M.P. Nucleic Acids Res. (1999) [Pubmed]
  9. Segmental expression of Hoxb2 in r4 requires two separate sites that integrate cooperative interactions between Prep1, Pbx and Hox proteins. Ferretti, E., Marshall, H., Pöpperl, H., Maconochie, M., Krumlauf, R., Blasi, F. Development (2000) [Pubmed]
  10. Prep2: cloning and expression of a new prep family member. Haller, K., Rambaldi, I., Kovács, E.N., Daniels, E., Featherstone, M. Dev. Dyn. (2002) [Pubmed]
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