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Gene Review

Prm1  -  protamine 1

Mus musculus

Synonyms: Cysteine-rich protamine, Prm-1, Sperm protamine P1
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Disease relevance of Prm1


High impact information on Prm1


Chemical compound and disease context of Prm1


Biological context of Prm1

  • To accomplish this we generated transgenic animals that carry a Prm1 transgene lacking its normal 3' untranslated region [1].
  • Premature translation of Prm1 mRNA caused precocious condensation of spermatid nuclear DNA, abnormal head morphogenesis, and incomplete processing of Prm2 protein [1].
  • Addition of a blocking monoclonal antibody against the Kit receptor (ACK2) inhibited extensively the appearance of haploid cells and the expression of a haploid-phase-specific gene (Prm1) [13].
  • Separate elements in the 3' untranslated region of the mouse protamine 1 mRNA regulate translational repression and activation during murine spermatogenesis [14].
  • Surprisingly, the binding site for this activity maps to a region of the Prm-1 3' UTR not contained within the functional 62 nucleotides described above [14].

Anatomical context of Prm1


Associations of Prm1 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of Prm1


Regulatory relationships of Prm1


Other interactions of Prm1

  • While this protein lacks complete specificity for Prm-1-containing RNAs in vitro, the properties of Prbp are consistent with it acting as a general repressor of translation [15].
  • Reciprocal regulation of the mouse protamine genes by the orphan nuclear receptor germ cell nuclear factor and CREMtau [28].
  • Chromosomal assignment of four rat genes coding for the spermatid-specific proteins proacrosin (ACR), transition proteins 1 (TNP1) and 2 (TNP2), and protamine 1 (PRM1) [29].
  • Translational repression of protamine 1 (Prm1) mRNA requires sequences present in its 3' untranslated region (UTR) and substantial evidence suggests a role for the murine Y-box protein MSY4 in this process [30].
  • Comparison of the nucleotide sequences for Stp-1 and the mouse gene coding for protamine P1 suggests a possible evolutionary relationship [31].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Prm1


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