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Gene Review

Alp_mapped  -  alkaline phosphatase Akp-1 (mapped)

Rattus norvegicus

This record was discontinued.
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Disease relevance of Alp_mapped

  • Brush border enzyme of Alp was also significantly decreased in acute portal hypertension, compared with in sham operated controls [1].
  • RESULTS: 80% Thirty-Vella fistulas caused a functional short gut; in intestine remaining in continuity there were significant increases in segmental weight, protein, Alp activity and villus height, compared with sham-operated controls and 20% Thiry-Vella fistulas [2].

High impact information on Alp_mapped

  • The genetic basis of these markers (Acon-1, Ahd-2, and Akp-1) was confirmed [3].


  1. Effect of acute portal hypertension on gut mucosa. Hashimoto, N., Ohyanagi, H. Hepatogastroenterology (2002) [Pubmed]
  2. Systemic factors are trophic in Thiry-Vella loop in the absence of luminal contents. Hashimoto, N., Ohyanagi, H. Hepatogastroenterology (2002) [Pubmed]
  3. Enzyme markers in inbred rat strains: genetics of new markers and strain profiles. Adams, M., Baverstock, P.R., Watts, C.H., Gutman, G.A. Biochem. Genet. (1984) [Pubmed]
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