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Gene Review

HOXB1  -  homeobox B1

Gallus gallus

Synonyms: Ghox-lab, HOXB-1
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High impact information on HOXB1

  • Using an antibody, we analyzed the expression pattern of the chick homeo domain-containing protein Ghox-lab in the developing chick hindbrain [1].
  • In addition, neural crest cells migrating from the fourth rhombomere are also Ghox-lab-positive [1].
  • In addition, r4 gene expression is also partially altered by RA; within 6 hours of r4 exposure to RA, ectopic expression of Krox-20 is seen in r4 and Hoxb-1 expression is lost while Hoxa-2 expression continues normally [2].
  • In situ hybridization analysis of chick embryos shows intense expression of Ghox-lab mRNA by Hamburger and Hamilton stage 4 (avian 'mid gastrula') and by stage 6 (pre-somitic neural plate) with expression decreasing shortly thereafter [3].
  • These observations suggest the possibility that Hoxb genes are involved in the system specifying regional differences in morphogenesis and cytodifferentiation of respiratory tract [4].

Biological context of HOXB1


  1. A homeo domain protein reveals the metameric nature of the developing chick hindbrain. Sundin, O.H., Eichele, G. Genes Dev. (1990) [Pubmed]
  2. Late effects of retinoic acid on neural crest and aspects of rhombomere. Gale, E., Prince, V., Lumsden, A., Clarke, J., Holder, N., Maden, M. Development (1996) [Pubmed]
  3. Region-specific expression in early chick and mouse embryos of Ghox-lab and Hox 1.6, vertebrate homeobox-containing genes related to Drosophila labial. Sundin, O.H., Busse, H.G., Rogers, M.B., Gudas, L.J., Eichele, G. Development (1990) [Pubmed]
  4. Coordinated expression of Hoxb genes and signaling molecules during development of the chick respiratory tract. Sakiyama, J., Yokouchi, Y., Kuroiwa, A. Dev. Biol. (2000) [Pubmed]
  5. vHnf1 regulates specification of caudal rhombomere identity in the chick hindbrain. Aragón, F., Vázquez-Echeverría, C., Ulloa, E., Reber, M., Cereghini, S., Alsina, B., Giraldez, F., Pujades, C. Dev. Dyn. (2005) [Pubmed]
  6. Conserved RARE localization in amphioxus Hox clusters and implications for Hox code evolution in the vertebrate neural crest. Wada, H., Escriva, H., Zhang, S., Laudet, V. Dev. Dyn. (2006) [Pubmed]
  7. The murine Hoxb1 3' RAIDR5 enhancer contains multiple regulatory elements. Thompson, J.R., Huang, D.Y., Gudas, L.J. Cell Growth Differ. (1998) [Pubmed]
  8. Distribution of HOX genes in the chicken genome reveals a new segment of conservation between human and chicken. Ladjali-Mohammedi, K., Grapin-Botton, A., Bonnin, M.A., Le Douarin, N.M. Cytogenet. Cell Genet. (2001) [Pubmed]
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