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Gene Review

BMPR1A  -  bone morphogenetic protein receptor, type IA

Gallus gallus

Synonyms: ALK-3, BMPR-1, BRK-1
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Disease relevance of BMPR1A

  • These results imply that the major BMPR required for BMP induction of chondrocyte hypertrophy is BMPR-IB, and that difference between permanent and prehypertrophic chondrocytes is not caused by absence of receptors required for BMP signaling [1].

High impact information on BMPR1A

  • Chondrogenesis of limb mesenchymal cells is markedly inhibited by dominant-negative BRK-2 and BRK-3, but not by BRK-1 [2].
  • BRK-2 and BRK-3, which constitute dual-affinity signaling receptor complexes for BMPs, are co-expressed in condensing precartilaginous cells, while BRK-1 is weakly expressed in the limb mesenchyme [2].
  • Significant reductions in the number of apoptotic cells in these three necrotic zones were found in the limb buds which received the virus carrying dominant negative BMP receptor [3].
  • To examine the role of BMP signaling during limb pattern formation, we isolated chicken cDNAs encoding type I (BRK-1 and BRK-2) and type II (BRK-3) receptors for bone morphogenetic proteins [2].
  • Most of these phenotypes also appeared following misexpression of the constitutively active form of BMP receptor type Ib [4].

Biological context of BMPR1A

  • Signalling via type IA and type IB bone morphogenetic protein receptors (BMPR) regulates intramembranous bone formation, chondrogenesis and feather formation in the chicken embryo [5].


  1. Utilization of bone morphogenetic protein receptors during chondrocyte maturation. Volk, S.W., D'Angelo, M., Diefenderfer, D., Leboy, P.S. J. Bone Miner. Res. (2000) [Pubmed]
  2. BMP signaling during bone pattern determination in the developing limb. Kawakami, Y., Ishikawa, T., Shimabara, M., Tanda, N., Enomoto-Iwamoto, M., Iwamoto, M., Kuwana, T., Ueki, A., Noji, S., Nohno, T. Development (1996) [Pubmed]
  3. BMP-2/-4 mediate programmed cell death in chicken limb buds. Yokouchi, Y., Sakiyama, J., Kameda, T., Iba, H., Suzuki, A., Ueno, N., Kuroiwa, A. Development (1996) [Pubmed]
  4. Dan is required for normal morphogenesis and patterning in the developing chick inner ear. Yamanishi, T., Katsu, K., Funahashi, J., Yumoto, E., Yokouchi, Y. Dev. Growth Differ. (2007) [Pubmed]
  5. Signalling via type IA and type IB bone morphogenetic protein receptors (BMPR) regulates intramembranous bone formation, chondrogenesis and feather formation in the chicken embryo. Ashique, A.M., Fu, K., Richman, J.M. Int. J. Dev. Biol. (2002) [Pubmed]
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