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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)
Gene Review

FN1  -  fibronectin 1

Sus scrofa

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Disease relevance of FN1


High impact information on FN1


Chemical compound and disease context of FN1


Biological context of FN1


Anatomical context of FN1

  • A provisional stromal matrix of cross-linked fibrin and fibronectin was initially deposited in both tumors and wounds and was subsequently replaced by granulation tissue containing collagen types I and III [18].
  • Fibronectin mediates the attachment of fibroblasts but not of epidermal cells to collagen [19].
  • Megakaryocytes spread with an active ruffled membrane in response to ADP (1-100 microM), thrombin (1.0 U/ml), and arachidonic acid (50 microM) but responded to collagen surfaces only if fibronectin was added to the cultures [20].
  • Fibronectin-containing microfibrils link fibroblasts to each other and to collagen bundles and thereby provide transduction cables across the wound for contraction [21].
  • Endothelial cell fibronectin synthesis was determined after radiolabeling with [35S]-methionine in serum-free medium, gelatin-sepharose extraction of the culture medium and resolution on 5% SDS-PAGE [22].

Associations of FN1 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of FN1


Regulatory relationships of FN1


Other interactions of FN1

  • To investigate the mechanism of action of p38 MAPK, we explored its cellular localization and that of its indirect substrate, the heat shock protein Hsp27, during SMC spreading on fibronectin in the presence and absence of PDGF [29].
  • In contrast, mRNA levels coding for type I collagen, fibronectin and GAPDH (used as control of cellular activity) were not modified [30].
  • Therefore, basic protein BHB-2 belongs to a new family of DQH sperm surface proteins that are homologous to the acidic proteins from bull and stallion seminal plasma, to the collagen binding domain II in fibronectin and to the leucocyte cell-cell adhesion regulator, but are not homologous to AQN or AWN spermadhesins [31].
  • Immunohistochemical staining to desmosomal proteins, cellular fibronectin, laminin 1, laminin 5, collagen IV, collagen VII, p53, Bcl-2, and PCNA was performed on weanling pig skin exposed to vesicating doses of HD, GB3, an antibody to laminin 5, showed a progressive decrease with loss of expression during the time period of clinical vesiculation [32].
  • In lavage, only SP-D, alpha (2)-macroglobulin and fibronectin were detected [33].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of FN1


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