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Gene Review

cdc25c-a  -  cell division cycle 25C

Xenopus laevis

Synonyms: cdc25, cdc25-3, xcdc25-3, xcdc25c
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High impact information on xcdc25-3


Biological context of xcdc25-3


Anatomical context of xcdc25-3


Associations of xcdc25-3 with chemical compounds

  • These experiments demonstrate the existence of a cdc25 regulatory system consisting of both a stimulatory kinase that phosphorylates a putative regulatory domain of the cdc25 protein and an inhibitory serine/threonine phosphatase that counteracts this kinase activity [2].

Enzymatic interactions of xcdc25-3


Other interactions of xcdc25-3

  • Two major peaks of cdc25 dephosphorylating activities were detected during the sequential chromatography, one that copurified with the major peak of MPM-2 epitope phosphatase activity, and the other with the major peak of PP2A activity [5].
  • (i) In vitro, cdc25 Ser-287 serves as a major site of phosphorylation by PKA, resulting in sequestration by 14-3-3 [4].


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