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Gene Review

trpE  -  anthranilate synthase component I

Escherichia coli UTI89

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Disease relevance of trpE


High impact information on trpE

  • Upon induction of trpE with indoleacrylic acid, large amounts of trpE-v-rel fusion proteins were produced by the bacteria carrying these recombinant plasmids [6].
  • Portions of the v-rel gene were joined to the 5' segment of the trpE gene [6].
  • The hybrid protein encoded by the trpE/CBP6 fusion has been purified from E. coli and used as an antigen for antibody production [7].
  • The ASA2 cDNA complemented a trpE nonsense mutant Escherichia coli strain, allowing growth on 300 microm 5MT-containing minimal medium without tryptophan, and cell extracts contained feedback-insensitive AS activity [8].
  • In studies with a trpE promoter-strength measuring system we observed that constructs containing the Escherichia coli trp promoter and its adjacent transcribed region yielded lower levels of trpE protein than were expected [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of trpE


Biological context of trpE

  • These findings are interpreted in terms of alternative models in which the primary effect of mutational changes that elevate trpE expression is to increase trpE mRNA translation, versus increasing trpE mRNA stability [9].
  • Sequence changes preceding a Shine-Dalgarno region influence trpE mRNA translation and decay [9].
  • Here, we have expressed the open reading frame as trpE fusion proteins and used them to generate antibodies [14].
  • When the trp operon of Escherichia coli contains either of two deletions that fuse the initial portion of the leader region to the distal segments of the trpE gene, novel fusion polypeptides are produced [15].
  • Nucleotide sequences upstream of trpE and trpG encode putative leader peptides similar in sequence to leader peptides found in other bacterial species, and the phenotypes of the mutants strongly suggest that transcription of these operons is regulated solely by attenuation [16].

Anatomical context of trpE


Associations of trpE with chemical compounds

  • A plasmid directing the synthesis of a G-protein-like protein (containing the NH2-terminal segment of seven amino acids encoded by the trpE gene fused to the complete G-protein sequence lacking only its NH2-terminal methionine) could be transformed into trpR+ (repressed) but not into trpR- (derepressed) cells [18].
  • Analysis of attenuation by measurement of trp mRNA synthesis was facilitated by constructing a plasmid (pAD1) containing the rpoC transcription terminator inserted early in trpE [19].
  • An analysis of deoxyribonucleic acid molecules carrying deletions ending within the trp regulatory elements and a deoxyribonucleic acid molecule carrying a deletion within trpE indicates that a fragment of 8.3 X 10(5) daltons contains at least part of the trp promoter, the entire trp leader region, and part of the trpE gene [20].
  • In bacteria, the first reaction of the tryptophan biosynthetic pathway involves the conversion of chorismate and glutamine to anthranilate by the action of anthranilate synthase, which is composed of the alpha (trpE gene product) and beta (trpG gene product) subunits [13].
  • In addition, cDNA fragments containing different gp80 coding regions were used to construct trpE/gp80 gene fusions in the expression vector pATH10 [21].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of trpE


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