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Gene Review

ERD1  -  chaperone protein ClpD

Arabidopsis thaliana

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Disease relevance of ERD1

  • The MYC-like sequence CATGTG plays an important role in the dehydration-inducible expression of the Arabidopsis thaliana EARLY RESPONSIVE TO DEHYDRATION STRESS 1 (ERD1) gene, which encodes a ClpA (ATP binding subunit of the caseinolytic ATP-dependent protease) homologous protein [1].

High impact information on ERD1


Chemical compound and disease context of ERD1

  • The ZFHD recognition sequence (ZFHDRS) and NAC recognition sequence (NACRS) play an important role in the dehydration-inducible expression of the Arabidopsisthaliana EARLY RESPONSIVETO DEHYDRATION STRESS 1 (ERD1) gene [2].

Biological context of ERD1


Anatomical context of ERD1

  • The N-terminal region of the ERD1 protein directed the sGFP protein into the plastids of the protoplasts, and functioned as a transit peptide [6].

Physical interactions of ERD1


Other interactions of ERD1

  • A cDNA, ERD1, isolated from one-hour-dehydrated plants of Arabidopsis thaliana L. encodes a putative protein that is similar to the regulatory ATPase subunit (ClpA) of the Clp protease and contains a putative chloroplast-targeting transit-peptide at the N-terminus [6].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of ERD1

  • Southern blot analysis suggested the presence of additional ERD1-related genes in A. thaliana [4].
  • Sequence analysis also suggests that ERD1 is chloroplast targeted, and we show in an in vitro system that the native protein is properly imported, processed, and present within the soluble fraction of the chloroplast, presumably the stroma [5].
  • Northern blot analysis indicated that expression of the erd1 gene was induced not only by water stress, such as dehydration and high salinity, but also by natural senescence and dark-induced etiolation [6].


  1. Isolation and functional analysis of Arabidopsis stress-inducible NAC transcription factors that bind to a drought-responsive cis-element in the early responsive to dehydration stress 1 promoter. Tran, L.S., Nakashima, K., Sakuma, Y., Simpson, S.D., Fujita, Y., Maruyama, K., Fujita, M., Seki, M., Shinozaki, K., Yamaguchi-Shinozaki, K. Plant Cell (2004) [Pubmed]
  2. Co-expression of the stress-inducible zinc finger homeodomain ZFHD1 and NAC transcription factors enhances expression of the ERD1 gene in Arabidopsis. Tran, L.S., Nakashima, K., Sakuma, Y., Osakabe, Y., Qin, F., Simpson, S.D., Maruyama, K., Fujita, Y., Shinozaki, K., Yamaguchi-Shinozaki, K. Plant J. (2007) [Pubmed]
  3. The Arabidopsis Tetratricopeptide Repeat-Containing Protein TTL1 Is Required for Osmotic Stress Responses and Abscisic Acid Sensitivity. Rosado, A., Schapire, A.L., Bressan, R.A., Harfouche, A.L., Hasegawa, P.M., Valpuesta, V., Botella, M.A. Plant Physiol. (2006) [Pubmed]
  4. Characterization of cDNA for a dehydration-inducible gene that encodes a CLP A, B-like protein in Arabidopsis thaliana L. Kiyosue, T., Yamaguchi-Shinozaki, K., Shinozaki, K. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1993) [Pubmed]
  5. Chloroplast-targeted ERD1 protein declines but its mRNA increases during senescence in Arabidopsis. Weaver, L.M., Froehlich, J.E., Amasino, R.M. Plant Physiol. (1999) [Pubmed]
  6. A nuclear gene, erd1, encoding a chloroplast-targeted Clp protease regulatory subunit homolog is not only induced by water stress but also developmentally up-regulated during senescence in Arabidopsis thaliana. Nakashima, K., Kiyosue, T., Yamaguchi-Shinozaki, K., Shinozaki, K. Plant J. (1997) [Pubmed]
  7. Two different novel cis-acting elements of erd1, a clpA homologous Arabidopsis gene function in induction by dehydration stress and dark-induced senescence. Simpson, S.D., Nakashima, K., Narusaka, Y., Seki, M., Shinozaki, K., Yamaguchi-Shinozaki, K. Plant J. (2003) [Pubmed]
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