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Gene Review

Trpv1  -  transient receptor potential cation...

Rattus norvegicus

Synonyms: Capsaicin receptor, OTRPC1, Osm-9-like TRP channel 1, TRPV1_SON, Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 1, ...
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Disease relevance of Trpv1


Psychiatry related information on Trpv1


High impact information on Trpv1


Chemical compound and disease context of Trpv1


Biological context of Trpv1


Anatomical context of Trpv1


Associations of Trpv1 with chemical compounds

  • Recently a cDNA clone, vanilloid receptor subtype-1 (VR1), was isolated and found to encode an ion channel that is activated by both capsaicin, the pain producing compound in chili peppers, and by noxious thermal stimuli [1].
  • CONCLUSION: These results suggest, for the first time, that the hypotensive effect of Rut is mediated by stimulation of CGRP synthesis and release via activation of VR1 in the phenol-induced hypertensive rat [17].
  • The effects of anandamide and 2-AG were significantly inhibited by pretreatment with the specific capsaicin receptor (vanilloid receptor subtype 1; VR1) antagonist capsazepine [3].
  • Capsaicin perfusion into the left renal pelvis but not intravenously caused significant increases in urine flow rate and urinary sodium excretion bilaterally in a dose-dependent manner, which were abolished by capsazepine, a selective VR1 receptor antagonist, given ipsilaterally to the renal pelvis or by ipsilateral renal denervation [16].
  • Most of VR1 immunoreactive nerves were also immunoreactive for SP or CGRP [20].

Regulatory relationships of Trpv1


Other interactions of Trpv1


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Trpv1


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  2. Developmental shift of vanilloid receptor 1 (VR1) terminals into deeper regions of the superficial dorsal horn: correlation with a shift from TrkA to Ret expression by dorsal root ganglion neurons. Guo, A., Simone, D.A., Stone, L.S., Fairbanks, C.A., Wang, J., Elde, R. Eur. J. Neurosci. (2001) [Pubmed]
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