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Disease relevance of Economics


High impact information on Economics

  • We compared the rates of asthma symptoms and atopy in urban populations in Jimma, southwest Ethiopia, at an early stage of economic development with those among the population of remote, rural, subsistence areas, and assessed the potential role of environmental aetiological factors leading to the differences [2].
  • Public health and economic policy: financing the NHS [3].
  • Forty countries at various levels of economic development and 40 dietary variables were investigated, including a lipid score that combined the intakes of cholesterol and saturated fat (Cholesterol-Saturated Fat Index [CSI]) [4].
  • Recent changes in the provision of health care, the adoption of internationally standardized diagnostic criteria, the availability of newer antidepressant drugs such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and other social and economic factors mean that psychiatric services are improving at various levels [5].
  • Cultured mola used for household consumption contributed 20% (median 18%) of the recommended intake of vitamin A at the household level [6].

Biological context of Economics

  • Mean population blood pressure was not correlated or only weakly correlated with the economic factors considered, or with cholesterol and BMI [7].
  • Appealing for its ambitious aspiration to harmonize sustainable economic development at the local level with the conservation of legally established protected areas (e.g., parks and reserves), the ICDP approach recently has drawn criticism from conservation biologists for failing to ensure adequate protection of biodiversity [8].

Associations of Economics with chemical compounds

  • Reductions in ethanol, phencyclidine, and food-maintained behavior by naltrexone pretreatment in monkeys is enhanced by open economic conditions [9].
  • CONCLUSIONS: The magnitude of the saccharin delivery had an effect on PCP consumption at higher FRs, suggesting that economic factors such as high drug cost (FR) and low cost (responses/ml) of the alternative reinforcer (saccharin) interact to produce a maximum suppression of drug intake [10].
  • The bubble column contained hexadecane as an absorbent for benzene, and was systemically chosen considering physical, biological, environmental, operational, and economic factors [11].
  • Furthermore, a comparison of data obtained from Food Balance Sheets for the per capita daily "consumption" of sugar with data for consumption obtained from Household Consumption Surveys in six countries, shows that these data collection methods frequently do not give comparable results [12].
  • Although coumadin and PCC boot therapy are safe and effective in reducing the incidence of DVT after TKA, there are economic factors that make the latter a more favorable option [13].

Gene context of Economics

  • These data may be useful to physicians faced with concerns over clinical and economic factors associated with CSF use as adjunct therapy for older persons with AML [14].
  • Clinical features, age, sex, coexisting epilepsy, associated psychiatric disorder, social and economic factors, delay in reaching the diagnosis of NES, previous treatment, and correlation with outcome on follow-up were examined [15].
  • An analysis of social and economic factors associated with followup of patients with vesicoureteral reflux [16].
  • Data from the Nutrition CRSP project in Mexico are used to illustrate the interactions between household economic conditions and maternal education on household diet [17].
  • In countries with unfavorable economic conditions, diagnosis, especially the follow-up evaluation of MS patients, poses a major dilemma [18].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Economics


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