MeSH Review:
- Anticoagulation for nonvalvular atrial fibrillation: effects of type of practice on physicians' self-reported behavior. Bush, D., Tayback, M. Am. J. Med. (1998)
- Prevalence of wheeze and asthma and relation to atopy in urban and rural Ethiopia. Yemaneberhan, H., Bekele, Z., Venn, A., Lewis, S., Parry, E., Britton, J. Lancet (1997)
- Public health and economic policy: financing the NHS. Smart, T., Draper, P. Lancet (1985)
- Differences in coronary mortality can be explained by differences in cholesterol and saturated fat intakes in 40 countries but not in France and Finland. A paradox. Artaud-Wild, S.M., Connor, S.L., Sexton, G., Connor, W.E. Circulation (1993)
- Mental health care in Japan: recognition and treatment of depression and anxiety disorders. Tajima, O. The Journal of clinical psychiatry. (2001)
- Small indigenous fish species in bangladesh: contribution to vitamin A, calcium and iron intakes. Roos, N., Islam, M.M., Thilsted, S.H. J. Nutr. (2003)
- Rethinking the "diseases of affluence" paradigm: global patterns of nutritional risks in relation to economic development. Ezzati, M., Vander Hoorn, S., Lawes, C.M., Leach, R., James, W.P., Lopez, A.D., Rodgers, A., Murray, C.J. PLoS Med. (2005)
- Conservation and development projects in the Brazilian Amazon: lessons from the Community Initiative Program in Rondônia. Browder, J.O. Environmental management. (2002)
- Reductions in ethanol, phencyclidine, and food-maintained behavior by naltrexone pretreatment in monkeys is enhanced by open economic conditions. Carroll, M.E., Cosgrove, K.P., Campbell, U.C., Morgan, A.D., Mickelberg, J.L. Psychopharmacology (Berl.) (2000)
- Reduction of drug self-administration by an alternative non-drug reinforcer in rhesus monkeys: magnitude and temporal effects. Campbell, U.C., Carroll, M.E. Psychopharmacology (Berl.) (2000)
- Development of a novel bioreactor system for treatment of gaseous benzene. Yeom, S.H., Daugulis, A.J. Biotechnol. Bioeng. (2001)
- Sugar availability, sugar consumption and dental caries. Sreebny, L.M. Community dentistry and oral epidemiology. (1982)
- Prevention of deep vein thrombosis after total knee arthroplasty. Coumadin versus pneumatic calf compression. Hodge, W.A. Clin. Orthop. Relat. Res. (1991)
- Cost analyses of adjunct colony stimulating factors for older patients with acute myeloid leukaemia : can they improve clinical decision making? Bennett, C.L., Schumock, G.T. Drugs & aging. (2003)
- Clinical features and prognosis of nonepileptic seizures in a developing country. Silva, W., Giagante, B., Saizar, R., D'Alessio, L., Oddo, S., Consalvo, D., Saidón, P., Kochen, S. Epilepsia (2001)
- An analysis of social and economic factors associated with followup of patients with vesicoureteral reflux. Wan, J., Greenfield, S.P., Talley, M., Ng, M. J. Urol. (1996)
- Interrelationships between power-related and belief-related factors determine nutrition in populations. Pelto, G.H., Backstrand, J.R. J. Nutr. (2003)
- The roles of blink reflex and sympathetic skin response in multiple sclerosis diagnosis. Nazliel, B., Irkeç, C., Koçer, B. Mult. Scler. (2002)
- The re-use of previously implanted pacemakers. Havia, T., Schüller, H. Scandinavian journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery. Supplementum. (1978)