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Dental Pulp Capping

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High impact information on Dental Pulp Capping

  • Collagen matrix impregnated with recombinant DMP1 was implanted directly in Group 1, while calcium hydroxide, a commonly used pulp-capping agent was implanted in group 2, collagen matrix that was not impregnated with rDMP1 was implanted directly in group 3, which served as control [1].
  • The effect of incorporation of calcium hydroxide in various pulp-capping agents is presented [2].
  • Thus, perhaps in conjunction with fluoride additives, they would be useful as insulating bases, pulp capping agents, root canal sealers, soft tissue packs, or intermediate restoratives [3].
  • Based on the results of this study, it was concluded that the combination of MP3 (containing 2wt% 5-NMSA) and MB1 (containing 5wt% hydroxyapatite) was effective in initiating an early repair process after direct pulp capping [4].
  • Effects of an experimentally developed adhesive resin system and CO2 laser irradiation on direct pulp capping [4].

Biological context of Dental Pulp Capping


Anatomical context of Dental Pulp Capping


Associations of Dental Pulp Capping with chemical compounds


Gene context of Dental Pulp Capping

  • CONCLUSIONS: it can be concluded that the results of this study encourage the topical use of antioxidant Catalase as a pulp-capping agent [5].
  • These results suggested that VIT is not an appropriate dental material to be used in direct pulp capping for mechanically exposed human pulps [13].
  • In this study, we sought to explore whether or not BMP, complexed to ceramic dentin (BMP/CD), would constitute a more effective pulp capping agent than BMP alone [14].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Dental Pulp Capping


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  5. Effects of topical Catalase application on dental pulp tissue: a histopathological evaluation. Alaçam, A., Tulunoglu, O., Oygür, T., Bilici, S. Journal of dentistry. (2000) [Pubmed]
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  8. Ultrastructure of wound healing following direct pulp capping with calcium-beta-glycerophosphate (Ca-BGP). Imai, M., Hayashi, Y. J. Oral Pathol. Med. (1993) [Pubmed]
  9. Pulpal response to tricalcium phosphate as a capping agent. Chohayeb, A.A., Adrian, J.C., Salamat, K. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. (1991) [Pubmed]
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  13. Biocompatibility of a resin-modified glass-ionomer cement applied as pulp capping in human teeth. do Nascimento, A.B., Fontana, U.F., Teixeira, H.M., Costa, C.A. American journal of dentistry. (2000) [Pubmed]
  14. Induction of reparative dentin formation in dogs by bovine bone morphogenetic protein bound to ceramic dentin. Gao, Y., Fang, Y.R., Suwa, F., Yoshida, S., Yang, L., Tanaka, A. Journal of Osaka Dental University. (1995) [Pubmed]
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  17. Influence of rubber dam isolation on human pulp responses after capping with calcium hydroxide and an adhesive system. de Lourdes Rodrigues Accorinte, M., Reis, A., Dourado Loguercio, A., Cavalcanti de Araújo, V., Muench, A. Quintessence international. (2006) [Pubmed]
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