MeSH Review:
- Use of complementary and alternative therapies to promote sleep in critically ill patients. Richards, K., Nagel, C., Markie, M., Elwell, J., Barone, C. Critical care nursing clinics of North America. (2003)
- The antimutagenic activity of Lavandula angustifolia (lavender) essential oil in the bacterial reverse mutation assay. Evandri, M.G., Battinelli, L., Daniele, C., Mastrangelo, S., Bolle, P., Mazzanti, G. Food Chem. Toxicol. (2005)
- Use of aromatherapy (with or without hypnosis) in the treatment of intractable epilepsy--a two-year follow-up study. Betts, T. Seizure : the journal of the British Epilepsy Association. (2003)
- Antioxidative activities of aroma extracts isolated from natural plants. Lee, K.G., Mitchell, A., Shibamoto, T. Biofactors (2000)
- An evaluation of aromatherapy massage in palliative care. Wilkinson, S., Aldridge, J., Salmon, I., Cain, E., Wilson, B. Palliative medicine. (1999)
- ATC policy on the conservation of plants used in aromatherapy. Baker, S. Complementary therapies in clinical practice. (2005)
- Stress management in dermatology patients. Marshall, M. Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987) (1991)
- Aromatherapy with peppermint, isopropyl alcohol, or placebo is equally effective in relieving postoperative nausea. Anderson, L.A., Gross, J.B. J. Perianesth. Nurs. (2004)
- Effects of estragole on the compound action potential of the rat sciatic nerve. Leal-Cardoso, J.H., Matos-Brito, B.G., Lopes-Junior, J.E., Viana-Cardoso, K.V., Sampaio-Freitas, A.B., Brasil, R.O., Coelho-De-Souza, A.N., Albuquerque, A.A. Braz. J. Med. Biol. Res. (2004)
- Which complementary and alternative therapies benefit which conditions? A survey of the opinions of 223 professional organizations. Long, L., Huntley, A., Ernst, E. Complementary therapies in medicine. (2001)
- Clinical aromatherapy. Part I: An introduction into nursing practice. Perez, C. Clinical journal of oncology nursing. (2003)
- Aromatherapy in perianesthesia nursing. Buckle, J. J. Perianesth. Nurs. (1999)
- Head lice for A & E nurses. Hadfield-Law, L. Accident and emergency nursing. (2000)
- Aromatherapy in arthritis: a study. Brownfield, A. Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987) (1998)