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- Uniform staining of Cyclospora oocysts in fecal smears by a modified safranin technique with microwave heating. Visvesvara, G.S., Moura, H., Kovacs-Nace, E., Wallace, S., Eberhard, M.L. J. Clin. Microbiol. (1997)
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- Comparison of three microscopic techniques for diagnosis of Cyclospora cayetanensis. Kimura, K., Kumar Rai, S., Takemasa, K., Ishibashi, Y., Kawabata, M., Belosevic, M., Uga, S. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. (2004)
- Study on cyclospora cayetanensis associated with diarrheal disease in Nepal and Loa PDR. Kimura, K., Rai, S.K., Rai, G., Insisiengmay, S., Kawabata, M., Karanis, P., Uga, S. Southeast Asian J. Trop. Med. Public Health (2005)