MeSH Review:
DNA Packaging
- Evidence that a phage T4 DNA packaging enzyme is a processed form of the major capsid gene product. Rao, V.B., Black, L.W. Cell (1985)
- Maturation of phage T7 involves structural modification of both shell and inner core components. Agirrezabala, X., Martín-Benito, J., Castón, J.R., Miranda, R., Valpuesta, J.M., Carrascosa, J.L. EMBO J. (2005)
- In vitro maturation and encapsidation of the DNA of transposable Mu-like phage D108. Burns, C.M., Chan, H.L., DuBow, M.S. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1990)
- The push-pull mechanism of bacteriophage Ø29 DNA injection. González-Huici, V., Salas, M., Hermoso, J.M. Mol. Microbiol. (2004)
- Structural characterization of the UL25 DNA-packaging protein from herpes simplex virus type 1. Bowman, B.R., Welschhans, R.L., Jayaram, H., Stow, N.D., Preston, V.G., Quiocho, F.A. J. Virol. (2006)
- Interactions between DNA and coat protein in the structure and assembly of filamentous bacteriophage fd. Hunter, G.J., Rowitch, D.H., Perham, R.N. Nature (1987)
- How does Pol II overcome the nucleosome barrier? Adelman, K., Lis, J.T. Mol. Cell (2002)
- Structure of a viral DNA gatekeeper at 10 A resolution by cryo-electron microscopy. Orlova, E.V., Gowen, B., Dröge, A., Stiege, A., Weise, F., Lurz, R., van Heel, M., Tavares, P. EMBO J. (2003)
- RNA-mediated specificity of DNA packaging into hybrid lambda/phi 29 proheads. Valpuesta, J.M., Donate, L.E., Mier, C., Herranz, L., Carrascosa, J.L. EMBO J. (1993)
- Herpes simplex virus DNA packaging sequences adopt novel structures that are specifically recognized by a component of the cleavage and packaging machinery. Adelman, K., Salmon, B., Baines, J.D. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2001)
- Defining the ATPase center of bacteriophage T4 DNA packaging machine: requirement for a catalytic glutamate residue in the large terminase protein gp17. Goetzinger, K.R., Rao, V.B. J. Mol. Biol. (2003)
- Inhibition of herpes simplex virus replication by WAY-150138: assembly of capsids depleted of the portal and terminase proteins involved in DNA encapsidation. Newcomb, W.W., Brown, J.C. J. Virol. (2002)
- Model for DNA packaging into bacteriophage T4 heads. Black, L.W., Silverman, D.J. J. Virol. (1978)
- Maturation of the head of bacteriophage T4: 9-aminoacridine blocks a late step in DNA packaging. Wagner, J.A., Laemmli, U.K. Virology (1979)
- Differences in DNA packaging genes and sensitivity to benzimidazole ribonucleosides between human cytomegalovirus strains AD169 and Towne. Krosky, P.M., Ptak, R.G., Underwood, M.R., Biron, K.K., Townsend, L.B., Drach, J.C. Antivir. Chem. Chemother. (2000)
- Role of the amino-terminal domain of bacteriophage phi 29 connector in DNA binding and packaging. Donate, L.E., Valpuesta, J.M., Rocher, A., Méndez, E., Rojo, F., Salas, M., Carrascosa, J.L. J. Biol. Chem. (1992)
- A dimer as a building block in assembling RNA. A hexamer that gears bacterial virus phi29 DNA-translocating machinery. Chen, C., Sheng, S., Shao, Z., Guo, P. J. Biol. Chem. (2000)
- Probing the structure of bacteriophage phi 29 prohead RNA with specific mutations. Reid, R.J., Zhang, F., Benson, S., Anderson, D. J. Biol. Chem. (1994)
- RNA-modifying machines in archaea. Omer, A.D., Ziesche, S., Decatur, W.A., Fournier, M.J., Dennis, P.P. Mol. Microbiol. (2003)
- Herpes simplex virus gene products: the accessories reflect her lifestyle well. Nishiyama, Y. Rev. Med. Virol. (2004)
- The testis-specific high-mobility-group protein, a phosphorylation-dependent DNA-packaging factor of elongating and condensing spermatids. Alami-Ouahabi, N., Veilleux, S., Meistrich, M.L., Boissonneault, G. Mol. Cell. Biol. (1996)
- Visualization of the intracellular development of bacteriophage lambda, with special reference to DNA packaging. Yamagishi, H., Okamoto, M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1978)
- Evidence for double replication of chromosomal DNA segments as a general consequence of DNA replication inhibition. Woodcock, D.M., Cooper, I.A. Cancer Res. (1981)
- Heterogeneity of the procapsid of bacteriophage T3. Serwer, P., Watson, R.H., Hayes, S.J. J. Virol. (1985)
- Analysis of the fine structure of the prohead binding domain of the packaging protein of bacteriophage T3 using a hexapeptide, an analog of a prohead binding site. Morita, M., Tasaka, M., Fujisawa, H. Virology (1995)
- Herpes simplex virus type 1 DNA-packaging protein UL17 is required for efficient binding of UL25 to capsids. Thurlow, J.K., Murphy, M., Stow, N.D., Preston, V.G. J. Virol. (2006)
- Multiple roles of T7 RNA polymerase and T7 lysozyme during bacteriophage T7 infection. Zhang, X., Studier, F.W. J. Mol. Biol. (2004)
- Characterization of human telomeric repeat sequences from human herpesvirus 6 and relationship to replication. Gompels, U.A., Macaulay, H.A. J. Gen. Virol. (1995)
- Helicase Hmi1 stimulates the synthesis of concatemeric mitochondrial DNA molecules in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Sedman, T., Jõers, P., Kuusk, S., Sedman, J. Curr. Genet. (2005)
- Intermediates of adeno-associated virus type 2 assembly: identification of soluble complexes containing Rep and Cap proteins. Wistuba, A., Weger, S., Kern, A., Kleinschmidt, J.A. J. Virol. (1995)
- pGIL01, a linear tectiviral plasmid prophage originating from Bacillus thuringiensis serovar israelensis. Verheust, C., Jensen, G., Mahillon, J. Microbiology (Reading, Engl.) (2003)