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Mouth Mucosa

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Disease relevance of Mouth Mucosa

  • Fifteen of 33 (45%) squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck expressed p53, but none of four normal control patients (cancer-free nonsmokers) expressed detectable p53 in oral mucosa specimens [1].
  • These findings suggest that supplementation with the flavonoids diosmin and hesperidin, individually and in combination, is effective in inhibiting the development of oral neoplasms induced by 4-NQO, and such inhibition might be related to suppression of increased cell proliferation caused by 4-NQO in the oral mucosa [2].
  • Topical application of transforming growth factor beta 3 to the oral mucosa of the Syrian golden hamster prior to chemotherapy significantly reduced the incidence, severity, and duration of oral mucositis, reduced chemotherapy-associated weight loss, and increased survival [3].
  • Expression of EF along with hyperplasia was also observed in other squamous epithelia such as buccal mucosa, tongue and oesophagus [4].
  • The results showed that vascularity, measured by the MVV method using antibodies to either vWF or CD31, increased significantly (P < 0.0001) with disease progression from normal oral mucosa, through mild, moderate, and severe dysplasia to early and late carcinoma (76 paraffin-embedded tissues examined) [5].

Psychiatry related information on Mouth Mucosa

  • In this study, sensory and pain thresholds were compared to argon-, copper vapour-, Nd:YAG-, and CO2 laser stimulation on hairy skin and on oral mucosa [6].
  • AIMS: Although nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) has been used to aid smoking cessation for the last 20 years, little information exists on the effect of nicotine products on the oral mucosa, particularly with regard to the direct effect at the site of application [7].
  • The most common site of occurrence of SCC was the buccal mucosa (263/703 patients; 37.4%), both overall and in patients who chewed betel quid alone or in combination with cigarette smoking and/or alcohol consumption; the tongue was the most common site among patients without any oral habits (18/48 patients; 37.5%) [8].

High impact information on Mouth Mucosa


Chemical compound and disease context of Mouth Mucosa


Biological context of Mouth Mucosa


Anatomical context of Mouth Mucosa


Associations of Mouth Mucosa with chemical compounds

  • CONCLUSION: In contrast to the prestudy hypothesis that a chlorhexidine mouthwash might provide benefit for patients receiving radiation therapy to the oral mucosa, this study provides strong evidence suggesting that a chlorhexidine mouthwash is detrimental in this clinical situation [29].
  • Extracted DNA was 32P-postlabeled using the butanol enhancement method, and DNA adduct levels were quantified to compare the accuracy of adduct detection in buccal mucosa versus oral biopsies [30].
  • Results of our metabolism studies showed that curcumin significantly inhibited CYP1A1-mediated benzo(a)pyrene diol bioactivation in both oral SCC cells and intact oral mucosa [31].
  • Mechanisms of smokeless tobacco-induced oral mucosa inflammation: role of bradykinin [32].
  • Finally, substantial capacity for formaldehyde detoxification is shown from quantitative assessments of alcohol- and aldehyde-oxidizing activities including K:(m) determinations, indicating that ADH3 is the major enzyme involved in formaldehyde oxidation in oral mucosa [25].

Gene context of Mouth Mucosa

  • In this study, we investigated the effects of tobacco smoke on the expression of COX-2 in oral mucosa [33].
  • Recently, elevated levels of amphiregulin, a ligand of the EGFR, were found in the oral mucosa of smokers [34].
  • In sections including normal differentiated oral mucosa, the cells above the basal cell layer were positive for both TGF-alpha and EGF [35].
  • Hyperproliferation is also observed in the buccal mucosa and the tongue epithelia of E6/E7 mice, and p53 levels are markedly increased in these epithelia [36].
  • Immunoblotting was performed to compare Dsg1 and Dsg3 expression levels in extracts from epidermis and oral mucosa [37].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Mouth Mucosa


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