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Tuberculin Test

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Disease relevance of Tuberculin Test


High impact information on Tuberculin Test

  • Active tuberculosis developed in only 1 of 534 persons with positive tuberculin tests or previous reactions who were treated with isoniazid, but in 79 (2.4 per cent) of 3270 persons who were not (P less than 0.001) [6].
  • Moreover, since BCG sensitizes vaccinated individuals to the tuberculin test, vaccination with BCG prevents diagnosis of infection in vaccinated individuals [7].
  • The prevalence of atopy, as assessed by either the presence of any of the five specific IgE antibodies or by each specific IgE antibody separately, did not differ between subjects with a positive and those with a negative tuberculin test [8].
  • We tested 403 clients at an inner-city methadone clinic to determine the rate of positive tuberculin test reactions and to determine how this rate was influenced by race, gender, and infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) [9].
  • HLA-DR and tuberculin tests in rheumatoid arthritis and tuberculosis [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Tuberculin Test


Biological context of Tuberculin Test

  • Therefore, various alternative antigen/adjuvant combinations were evaluated as inducers of DTH that were compared to the BCG/PPD test system with the purpose of finding a skin DTH protocol that does not cross-react with the tuberculin test and allows identification of high and low CMIR responder phenotypes [12].

Anatomical context of Tuberculin Test

  • Monoclonal antibodies used in the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex (ABC) method and a histochemical azo-dye method for acid alpha-naphthyl acetate esterase (ANAE) were used to identify T lymphocytes and their functional subpopulations, B cells, and mononuclear phagocytes in tuberculin-test reactions [13].
  • In the clinically involved skin of all patients with PV, MF or PPC, and in biopsies obtained from positive tuberculin tests, specific epidermal intercellular staining with OKB7 and Leu anti-CR2 was seen on subcorneal keratinocytes [14].

Associations of Tuberculin Test with chemical compounds

  • Positive tuberculin tests to second strength PPD were demonstrated in five of the 10 responders to USDA mammalian tuberculin [15].
  • The prevalence of a positive tuberculin test was 21%, and was similar for crack cocaine and injection drug users [16].
  • Five of 7 control patients with cystic or ordinary acne had positive tuberculin test reactions and 3 of them were sensitized to DNCB [17].
  • Control or eradication has been achieved in several countries in the Region by use of the tuberculin test followed by sacrifice of reactors [18].
  • The reaction in 6 of the 7 M bovis infected cattle that received dexamethasone was classified as negative for the standard interpretation of the single intradermal comparative tuberculin test [19].

Gene context of Tuberculin Test

  • Antituberculous treatment does not appear to he warranted, regardless of tuberculin test results, if the pleural fluid adenosine deaminase level is not elevated [20].
  • A second tuberculin test in patients with initial reaction sizes < 15 mm showed a moderate, statistically significant increase in the mean reaction size (PPD1: 10.1 +/- 3.2 mm; PPD2: 11.9 +/- 4.8 mm) [2].
  • STUDY OBJECTIVES: It is recommended that the PPD Mantoux tuberculin test be read at 48 or 72 h [21].
  • Concentrations of 1-0 mg per ml of bovine PPD and 0-5 mg per ml of avian PPD are recommended for use in a comparative tuberculin test [22].
  • Its association with systemic lupus erythematosus has been reported in the English literature in about 20 cases worldwide, and a relationship with a positive tuberculin test, either with or without tuberculosis, has also been mentioned [4].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Tuberculin Test


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  2. Repeated tuberculin testing in patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis. Sepulveda, R.L., Araya, D., Ferrer, X., Sorensen, R.U. Chest (1993) [Pubmed]
  3. Comparison of erythema and induration as results of tuberculin tests. Kimura, M., Comstock, G.W., Mori, T. The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. (2005) [Pubmed]
  4. A girl with Takayasu arteritis associated with possible systemic lupus erythematosus. Opastirakul, S., Chartapisak, W., Sirivanichai, C. Pediatr. Nephrol. (2004) [Pubmed]
  5. Histometric studies on cellular infiltrates of tuberculin tests in patients with haemophilia. Lowe, J.G., Beck, J.S., Madhok, R., Gracie, A., Gibbs, J.H., Potts, R.C., Lowe, G.D., Forbes, C.D. J. Clin. Pathol. (1989) [Pubmed]
  6. Tuberculosis as an endemic and nosocomial infection among the elderly in nursing homes. Stead, W.W., Lofgren, J.P., Warren, E., Thomas, C. N. Engl. J. Med. (1985) [Pubmed]
  7. Identification of a Mycobacterium bovis BCG auxotrophic mutant that protects guinea pigs against M. bovis and hematogenous spread of Mycobacterium tuberculosis without sensitization to tuberculin. Chambers, M.A., Williams, A., Gavier-Widén, D., Whelan, A., Hall, G., Marsh, P.D., Bloom, B.R., Jacobs, W.R., Hewinson, R.G. Infect. Immun. (2000) [Pubmed]
  8. Absence of relationship between tuberculin reactivity and atopy in BCG vaccinated young adults. Omenaas, E., Jentoft, H.F., Vollmer, W.M., Buist, A.S., Gulsvik, A. Thorax (2000) [Pubmed]
  9. Tuberculin reactions among attendees at a methadone clinic: relation to infection with the human immunodeficiency virus. MacGregor, R.R., Dunbar, D., Graziani, A.L. Clin. Infect. Dis. (1994) [Pubmed]
  10. HLA-DR and tuberculin tests in rheumatoid arthritis and tuberculosis. Bahr, G.M., Sattar, M.A., Stanford, J.L., Shaaban, M.A., Al Shimali, B., Siddiqui, Z., Gabriel, M., Al Saffar, M., Shahin, A., Chugh, T.D. Ann. Rheum. Dis. (1989) [Pubmed]
  11. Immunological status of mycetoma patients. Mahgoub, E.S., Gumaa, S.A., El Hassan, A.M. Bulletin de la Société de pathologie exotique et de ses filiales. (1977) [Pubmed]
  12. Evaluation of bovine cutaneous delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) to various test antigens and a mitogen using several adjuvants. Hernández, A., Yager, J.A., Wilkie, B.N., Leslie, K.E., Mallard, B.A. Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. (2005) [Pubmed]
  13. Cellular infiltrate in situ and response kinetics of human intradermal and epicutaneous tuberculin reactions. Konttinen, Y.T., Bergroth, V., Visa-Tolvanen, K., Reitamo, S., Förström, L. Clin. Immunol. Immunopathol. (1983) [Pubmed]
  14. Expression of complement receptor CR2 (CD21) on human subcorneal keratinocytes in normal and diseased skin. Hunyadi, J., Simon, M., Kenderessy, A.S., Dobozy, A. Dermatologica (1991) [Pubmed]
  15. Tuberculin sensitivity in a high-risk canine population. Snider, W.R., Cohen, D., Reif, J.S., Stein, S.C., Prier, J.E. Am. J. Epidemiol. (1975) [Pubmed]
  16. Monetary versus nonmonetary incentives for TB skin test reading among drug users. Malotte, C.K., Hollingshead, J.R., Rhodes, F. American journal of preventive medicine. (1999) [Pubmed]
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  18. Bovine tuberculosis in Latin America and the Caribbean: current status, control and eradication programs. de Kantor, I.N., Ritacco, V. Vet. Microbiol. (1994) [Pubmed]
  19. Effects of dexamethasone on cell-mediated immune responses in cattle sensitized to Mycobacterium bovis. Doherty, M.L., Bassett, H.F., Quinn, P.J., Davis, W.C., Monaghan, M.L. Am. J. Vet. Res. (1995) [Pubmed]
  20. Evolution of idiopathic pleural effusion: a prospective, long-term follow-up study. Ferrer, J.S., Muñoz, X.G., Orriols, R.M., Light, R.W., Morell, F.B. Chest (1996) [Pubmed]
  21. Tuberculin test measurement: variability due to the time of reading. Singh, D., Sutton, C., Woodcock, A. Chest (2002) [Pubmed]
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  23. Practical application of bovine tuberculin PPD in testing cattle in Great Britain. Lesslie, I.W., Hebert, C.N., Frerichs, G.N. Vet. Rec. (1976) [Pubmed]
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