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Pneumonia, Viral

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Disease relevance of Pneumonia, Viral

  • The proportion of patients with increased WBC or ESR did not differ between bacterial and viral pneumonias, but differences in the CRP levels of >40 mg/l, >80 mg/l, and >120 mg/l were significant although the sensitivity for detecting bacterial pneumonia was too low for use in clinical practice [1].
  • Use of the polymerase chain reaction in the diagnosis of unsuspected herpes simplex viral pneumonia: report of a case [2].
  • These results suggest that TNF alpha is a mediator of pulmonary inflammation during influenza A viral pneumonia, but may not play a significant anti-viral role in influenza pneumonia [3].
  • (3) Histopathology of the lung at 3 weeks after sublethal infection of influenza virus showed that severe alveolar or bronchiolar destruction was observed in wild-type mice, while mild viral pneumonia was seen in the TRX Tg mice [4].
  • Lymphocytic alveolitis with a decreased CD4/CD8 ratio is suggestive of acute rejection, but is also found in viral pneumonias and obliterative bronchiolitis [5].

High impact information on Pneumonia, Viral


Chemical compound and disease context of Pneumonia, Viral


Biological context of Pneumonia, Viral


Anatomical context of Pneumonia, Viral


Gene context of Pneumonia, Viral


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