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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Coordinated expression and amplification of the MDM2, CDK4, and HMGI-C genes in atypical lipomatous tumours.

Atypical lipomatous tumours (ALTs) represent a distinctive subset of mesenchymal neoplasms featuring mature adipocytic differentiation. Most ALTs are characterized cytogenetically by the presence of supernumerary ring and/or long marker chromosomes derived from the chromosomal region 12q13-15. The 12q13-15 chromosome region contains several genes which may play an important role in human tumorigenesis. A series of ALTs was analysed by investigating the MDM2, CDK4, and HMGI-C genes and their proteins. The study was extended to a series of ordinary lipomas, to determine whether the immunohistochemical investigation of these gene products might play any diagnostic role. Cytogenetic analysis revealed the presence of various cytogenetic aberrations involving the 12q13-15 region in 11/18 (61%) lipomas and of ring chromosomes in all ALTs. Overexpression of mdm2 protein was observed in 6/12 (50%) atypical lipomatous tumours. All lipomas were mdm2-negative. cdk4 overexpression was present in 100% of ALTs. Weak cdk4 immunopositivity was detected in 2/18 (11%) ordinary lipomas in a minority of cells. HMGI-C immunopositivity was observed in 10/12 (83%) ALTs. Positive immunoreactivity was also observed in 8/18 (44%) lipomas. Southern blot analysis revealed amplification of the CDK4 and MDM2 genes in 3/5 ALTs analysed. HMGI-C was amplified in 3/5 cases and was deleted in one case. Mutation analysis of the CDK4 gene did not demonstrate any mutation. These data support the hypothesis that ordinary lipomas may form a molecular genetic and morphological continuum with ALT. At one end of the spectrum are lipomas characterized by 12q13-15 rearrangements and HMGI-C activation and at the other end are ALTs with ring chromosomes, 12q13-15 amplification with overrepresentation of the HMGI-C, CDK4 or MDM2 genes, and aberrant cdk4, mdm2, and HMGI-C protein expression. These findings not only provide insights into the molecular pathogenesis of lipomatous tumours, but also indicate that the immunohistochemical analysis of mdm2 and cdk4 may help to increase diagnostic accuracy.[1]


  1. Coordinated expression and amplification of the MDM2, CDK4, and HMGI-C genes in atypical lipomatous tumours. Dei Tos, A.P., Doglioni, C., Piccinin, S., Sciot, R., Furlanetto, A., Boiocchi, M., Dal Cin, P., Maestro, R., Fletcher, C.D., Tallini, G. J. Pathol. (2000) [Pubmed]
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