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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Node and midline defects are associated with left-right development in Delta1 mutant embryos.

Axes formation is a fundamental process of early embryonic development. In addition to the anteroposterior and dorsoventral axes, the determination of the left-right axis is crucial for the proper morphogenesis of internal organs and is evolutionarily conserved in vertebrates. Genes known to be required for the normal establishment and/or maintenance of left-right asymmetry in vertebrates include, for example, components of the TGF-beta family of intercellular signalling molecules and genes required for node and midline function. We report that Notch signalling, which previously had not been implicated in this morphogenetic process, is required for normal left-right determination in mice. We show, that the loss-of-function of the delta 1 (Dll1) gene causes a situs ambiguous phenotype, including randomisation of the direction of heart looping and embryonic turning. The most probable cause for this left-right defect in Dll1 mutant embryos is a failure in the development of proper midline structures. These originate from the node, which is disrupted and deformed in Dll1 mutant embryos. Based on expression analysis in wild-type and mutant embryos, we suggest a model, in which Notch signalling is required for the proper differentiation of node cells and node morphology.[1]


  1. Node and midline defects are associated with left-right development in Delta1 mutant embryos. Przemeck, G.K., Heinzmann, U., Beckers, J., Hrabé de Angelis, M. Development (2003) [Pubmed]
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