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Synteny mapping in the bovine: genes from human chromosome 4.

Genes homologous to those located on human chromosome 4 (HSA4) were mapped in the bovine to determine regions of syntenic conservation among humans, mice, and cattle. Previous studies have shown that two homologs of genes on HSA4, PGM2 and PEPS, are located in bovine syntenic group U15 (chromosome 6). The homologous mouse genes, Pgm-1 and Pep-7, are on MMU5. Using a panel of bovine x hamster hybrid somatic cells, we have assigned homologs of 11 additional HSA4 loci to their respective bovine syntenic groups. D4S43, D4S10, QDPR, IGJ, ADH2, KIT, and IF were assigned to syntenic group U15. This syntenic arrangement is not conserved in the mouse, where D4s43, D4s10, Qdpr, and Igj are on MMU5 while Adh-2 is on MMU3. IL-2, FGB, FGG, and F11, which also reside on MMU3, were assigned to bovine syntenic group U23. These data suggest that breaks and/or fusions of ancestral chromosomes carrying these genes occurred at different places during the evolution of humans, cattle, and mice.[1]


  1. Synteny mapping in the bovine: genes from human chromosome 4. Zhang, N., Threadgill, D.W., Womack, J.E. Genomics (1992) [Pubmed]
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