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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Deletion of dentin matrix protein-1 leads to a partial failure of maturation of predentin into dentin, hypomineralization, and expanded cavities of pulp and root canal during postnatal tooth development.

The dentin matrix protein-1 ( DMP-1) gene is identified in odontoblasts during both embryonic and postnatal development. In vitro study suggests that this noncollagen acidic phosphoprotein plays a role in mineralization. However, deletion of the Dmp-1 gene has little effect on tooth development during embryogenesis. To address the role of DMP-1 in tooth during postnatal development, we analyzed changes of dentinogenesis in Dmp-1 null mice from 3 days after birth to 1 year. Here we show that Dmp-1 null mice postnatally develop a profound tooth phenotype characterized by a partial failure of maturation of predentin into dentin, enlarged pulp chambers, increased width of predentin zone with reduced dentin wall, and hypomineralization. The tooth phenotype of these mice is strikingly similar to that in dentin sialophosphoprotein ( Dspp) null mice and shares some features of the human disease dentinogenesis imperfecta III. We have also demonstrated that DSPP levels are reduced in Dmp-1 null mice, suggesting that DSPP is probably regulated by DMP-1 during dentinogenesis. Finally, we show the absence or delayed development of the third molar in Dmp-1 null mice, which is probably secondary to defects in Dmp-1 null bone. Taken together, these studies suggest that DMP-1 is essential for later dentinogenesis during postnatal development.[1]


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