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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Genetic Diversity of Picea asperata Populations Based on RAPDs.

The genetic diversity of ten natural populations of PICEA ASPERATA Mast. were studied using RAPD markers. A total of 160 reproducible fragments were produced from the ten primers used. The mean number of fragments detected per individual was 114. 7. Altogether 120 fragments were polymorphic among the ten populations, none of them were found to be population-specific. Nei's expected heterozygosity (H (e)) ranged from 0.233 to 0.269, and the average was 0.247. The analysis of molecular variance revealed that the coefficient of gene differentiation among populations, based on F (ST) and the unbiased estimate PhiST, equaled 0.224 and 0.290, respectively. Such high values indicate that there is significant differentiation among populations, which could result from several factors, including restricted gene flow between populations ( Nm = 0.866). Founder events may be another factor attributing to the high level of genetic differentiation. In addition, it was discovered that the geographic distribution is not correlated with the genetic distances among the populations of P. ASPERATA.[1]


  1. Genetic Diversity of Picea asperata Populations Based on RAPDs. Xue, X., Wang, Y., Korpelainen, H., Li, C. Plant biology (Stuttgart, Germany) (2007) [Pubmed]
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