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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Effect of brown rice and soybean dietary fiber on the control of glucose and lipid metabolism in diabetic rats.

We have studied the effect of brown rice and soybean dietary fiber on the oral glucose tolerance test, plasma-insulin, -glucagon, -triglycerides, and cholesterol levels in control and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Plasma glucose level after glucose loading in diabetic rats fed soybean fiber was considerably lower (60 and 120 min) than the corresponding group not receiving the fiber. Soybean fiber given to control rats decreased the plasma glucose at 60 min after the oral glucose test. Rice fiber decreased the plasma glucose of diabetic rats only at 60 min and the control rats fed with or without fiber elicited a comparable glycemic response. While soybean fiber significantly lowered the glucagon and triglyceride levels in both control and diabetic rats, rice fiber had no effect on these blood parameters. In conclusion, this study demonstrated the potential benefit of soybean dietary fiber over rice fiber in diabetes treatment with additional advantages resulting from its ease in usage either in a mixture of water or milk products and cooking. As well, being devoid of a disagreeable taste so characteristic of other fibers, patient acceptance is more forthcoming.[1]


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