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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Indomethacin-induced hyperkalemia in three patients with gouty arthritis.

We describe three patients in whom severe, life-threatening hyperkalemia and renal insufficiency developed after treatment of acute gouty arthritis with indomethacin. This complication may result from an inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis and consequent hyporeninemic hypoaidosteronism. Careful attention to renal function and potassium balance in patients receiving indomethacin or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, particularly in those patients with diabetes mellitus or preexisting renal disease, will help prevent this potentially serious complication.[1]


  1. Indomethacin-induced hyperkalemia in three patients with gouty arthritis. Findling, J.W., Beckstrom, D., Rawsthorne, L., Kozin, F., Itskovitz, H. JAMA (1980) [Pubmed]
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