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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Synaptonemal complex aberrations in the pseudoautosomal region of X, Y chromosomes in irradiated hamsters.

The effects of X-radiation, bleomycin and amsacrine (m-AMSA) on the meiotic chromosomes of male Armenian hamsters were determined by electron microscopic analysis of synaptonemal complex (SC) damage. Pachytene stage cells were analyzed 5 or 6 days following their treatment at putative preleptotene-leptotene stages of meiosis. Of the multiple types of SC aberrations observed to be significantly increased over control levels, lateral element breakage and synaptic anomalies were most prevalent. The focus of these studies was on the sex chromosomes which, in the Armenian hamster, reveal an unusually well-defined pseudoautosomal region. In the XY pair, radiation and chemical treatments caused certain forms of structural and synaptic anomalies which appeared to be preferentially localized to telomeric and/or crossover regions. The nature of these specific aberrations, involving breakage, bridge formation and asynapsis, is not well understood; however, their distributions are suggestive of possible relationships with sites and processes of crossing over.[1]


  1. Synaptonemal complex aberrations in the pseudoautosomal region of X, Y chromosomes in irradiated hamsters. Allen, J.W., Poorman-Allen, P., Collins, B.W., Sontag, M.R. Mutagenesis (1994) [Pubmed]
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