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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Cost-effectiveness of cardiac rehabilitation after myocardial infarction.

BACKGROUND: Cardiac rehabilitation is commonly prescribed after myocardial infarction (MI) to coordinate exercise training and secondary preventive services. Cost-effectiveness analysis allows the quantitative comparison of the relative economic worth of cardiac rehabilitation in relation to other common interventions. METHODS: The cost-effectiveness of cardiac rehabilitation, in dollars per year of life saved ($/YLS), was calculated by combining published results of randomized trials of cardiac rehabilitation on mortality rates, epidemiologic studies of long-term survival in the overall postinfarction population, and studies of patient charges for rehabilitation services and averted medical expenses for hospitalizations after rehabilitation. RESULTS: Cardiac rehabilitation participants experienced an incremental life expectancy of 0.202 years during a 15-year period. In 1988, the average cost of rehabilitation and exercise testing was $1,485, partially offset by averted cardiac rehospitalizations of $850 per patient. A cost-effectiveness value of 2,130 $/YLS was determined for the late 1980s, projected to a value of 4,950 $/YLS for 1995. A sensitivity analysis supports the study results. CONCLUSIONS: Compared with other post-MI treatment interventions, cardiac rehabilitation is more cost-effective than thrombolytic therapy, coronary bypass surgery, and cholesterol lowering drugs, though less cost-effective than smoking cessation programs. Cardiac rehabilitation should stand alongside these therapies as standard of care in the post-MI setting.[1]


  1. Cost-effectiveness of cardiac rehabilitation after myocardial infarction. Ades, P.A., Pashkow, F.J., Nestor, J.R. Journal of cardiopulmonary rehabilitation. (1997) [Pubmed]
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