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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Genetic evidence for selective degradation of RNA polymerase subunits by the 20S proteasome in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

scs32 was isolated as an extragenic suppressor of a temperature-sensitive (ts) mutation (rpo26-31) in the gene encoding Rpo26p, a subunit common to yeast nuclear RNA polymerases (RNAPs). rpo26-31 also confers inositol auxotrophy, inhibits the assembly of RNAPI and RNAPII and reduces the steady-state level of Rpo26p and the largest subunit of RNAPI (Rpo11p or A190p) and RNAPII (Rpo21p). rpo26-31p accumulated to wild-type levels in the scs32 strain; nevertheless, the amount of assembled RNAPII remained at a reduced level at high temperature. Hence, scs32 only partially suppressed the ts phenotype and was unable to suppress the Ino-phenotype of rpo26-31. SCS32 is identical to PUP3, which encodes a subunit of the yeast proteasome. scs32 was able to suppress the phenotype of other ts alleles of RPO26, all of which reduce the steady-state level of this subunit. However, scs32 was unable to suppress the ts phenotype of mutant alleles of RPO21, or result in accumulation of the unstable rpo21-4p. These observations suggest that the stability of non-functional or unassembled forms of Rpo26p and Rpo21p are regulated independently.[1]


  1. Genetic evidence for selective degradation of RNA polymerase subunits by the 20S proteasome in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Nouraini, S., Xu, D., Nelson, S., Lee, M., Friesen, J.D. Nucleic Acids Res. (1997) [Pubmed]
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