R. Rey
Unité de Recherches sur l'Endocrinologie du Développement
Ecole Normale Supérieure
Name/email consistency: low
- Evaluation of gonadal function in 107 intersex patients by means of serum antimüllerian hormone measurement. Rey, R.A., Belville, C., Nihoul-Fékété, C., Michel-Calemard, L., Forest, M.G., Lahlou, N., Jaubert, F., Mowszowicz, I., David, M., Saka, N., Bouvattier, C., Bertrand, A.M., Lecointre, C., Soskin, S., Cabrol, S., Crosnier, H., Léger, J., Lortat-Jacob, S., Nicolino, M., Rabl, W., Toledo, S.P., Baş, F., Gompel, A., Czernichow, P., Josso, N. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. (1999)
- The prepubertal testis: a quiescent or a silently active organ?. Rey, R. Histol. Histopathol. (1999)