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J.B. Rubins

Pulmonary Diseases

Veterans Affairs Medical Center

University of Minnesota School of Medicine




Name/email consistency: high



  • Pulmonary Diseases, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, University of Minnesota School of Medicine, Minneapolis, USA. 1999 - 2001
  • Pulmonary Disease Section, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN 55417, USA. 1997 - 2000
  • Department of Pulmonary Disease, and Center for Chronic Diseases Outcome Research, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Minneapolis, USA. 1999


  1. Pneumococcal disease in the elderly: what is preventing vaccine efficacy?. Rubins, J.B., Janoff, E.N. Drugs. Aging (2001) [Pubmed]
  2. Temporal trends in survival after surgical resection of localized non-small cell lung cancer. Rubins, J.B., Ewing, S.L., Leroy, S., Humphrey, E.W., Morrison, V. Lung. Cancer (2000) [Pubmed]
  3. Diagnosis of venous thromboembolism. Step-by-step approach to a still lethal disease. Rubins, J.B., Rice, K. Postgrad. Med (2000) [Pubmed]
  4. Identification of clinical risk factors for nosocomial pneumococcal bacteremia. Rubins, J.B., Cheung, S., Carson, P., Rubins, H.B., Janoff, E.N. Clin. Infect. Dis. (1999) [Pubmed]
  5. Determination of antibody responses of elderly adults to all 23 capsular polysaccharides after pneumococcal vaccination. Rubins, J.B., Alter, M., Loch, J., Janoff, E.N. Infect. Immun. (1999) [Pubmed]
  6. Lovastatin induces apoptosis in malignant mesothelioma cells. Rubins, J.B., Greatens, T., Kratzke, R.A., Tan, A.T., Polunovsky, V.A., Bitterman, P. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. (1998) [Pubmed]
  7. Magnitude, duration, quality, and function of pneumococcal vaccine responses in elderly adults. Rubins, J.B., Puri, A.K., Loch, J., Charboneau, D., MacDonald, R., Opstad, N., Janoff, E.N. J. Infect. Dis. (1998) [Pubmed]
  8. Community-acquired pneumonia. Tailoring management of adult patients according to risk category. Rubins, J.B., Janoff, E.N. Postgrad. Med (1997) [Pubmed]
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