Ali Akbar Saboury
Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics
University of Tehran
Name/email consistency: high
- Stability, structural and suicide inactivation changes of mushroom tyrosinase after acetylation by N-acetylimidazole. Saboury, A.A., Karbassi, F., Haghbeen, K., Ranjbar, B., Moosavi-Movahedi, A.A., Farzami, B. Int. J. Biol. Macromol. (2004)
- Binding properties of adenosine deaminase interacted with theophylline. Saboury, A.A., Bagheri, S., Ataie, G., Amanlou, M., Moosavi-Movahedi, A.A., Hakimelahi, G.H., Cristalli, G., Namaki, S. Chem. Pharm. Bull. (2004)
- Inhibition study of adenosine deaminase by caffeine using spectroscopy and isothermal titration calorimetry. Saboury, A.A., Divsalar, A., Ataie, G., Amanlou, M., Moosavi-Movahedi, A.A., Hakimelahi, G.H. Acta Biochim. Pol. (2003)
- A product inhibition study on adenosine deaminase by spectroscopy and calorimetry. Saboury, A.A., Divsalar, A., Jafari, G.A., Moosavi-Movahedi, A.A., Housaindokht, M.R., Hakimelahi, G.H. J. Biochem. Mol. Biol. (2002)