Ulrich John
University of Greifswald
Institute of Epidemiology and Social Medicine
Walther-Rathenau-Str. 48
D-17487 Greifswald
Name/email consistency: high
- Nicotine dependence criteria and nicotine withdrawal symptoms in relation to pain among an adult general population sample. John, U., Meyer, C., Rumpf, H.J., Hapke, U. Eur. J. Pain (2009)
- Estimation of psycholeptic and psychoanaleptic medicine use in an adult general population sample using the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical classification. John, U., Baumeister, S.E., Völzke, H., Grabe, H.J., Freyberger, H.J., Alte, D. Int. J. Methods. Psychiatr. Res (2008)
- Associations of carotid intima-media thickness, tobacco smoking and overweight with hearing disorder in a general population sample. John, U., Baumeister, S.E., Kessler, C., Völzke, H. Atherosclerosis (2007)
- Sedative, hypnotic, anxiolytic and opioid medicament use and its co-occurrence with tobacco smoking and alcohol risk drinking in a community sample. John, U., Baumeister, S.E., Völzke, H., Meyer, C., Ulbricht, S., Alte, D. BMC. Public. Health (2007)
- Validity of overweight and obesity in a nation based on self-report versus measurement device data. John, U., Hanke, M., Grothues, J., Thyrian, J.R. Eur. J. Clin. Nutr (2006)
- Tobacco smoking in relation to pain in a national general population survey. John, U., Hanke, M., Meyer, C., Völzke, H., Baumeister, S.E., Alte, D. Prev. Med (2006)
- Associations of perceived work strain with nicotine dependence in a community sample. John, U., Riedel, J., Rumpf, H.J., Hapke, U., Meyer, C. Occup. Environ. Med (2006)
- Relation between awareness of circulatory disorders and smoking in a general population health examination. John, U., Meyer, C., Hanke, M., Völzke, H., Schumann, A. BMC. Public. Health (2006)
- Predictors of increased body mass index following cessation of smoking. John, U., Meyer, C., Rumpf, H.J., Hapke, U., Schumann, A. Am. J. Addict (2006)
- Tobacco smoking in relation to analgesic drug use in a national adult population sample. John, U., Alte, D., Hanke, M., Meyer, C., Völzke, H., Schumann, A. Drug. Alcohol. Depend (2006)
- Smoking status, obesity and hypertension in a general population sample: a cross-sectional study. John, U., Meyer, C., Hanke, M., Völzke, H., Schumann, A. QJM (2006)
- Relationships of psychiatric disorders with overweight and obesity in an adult general population. John, U., Meyer, C., Rumpf, H.J., Hapke, U. Obes. Res. (2005)
- Consistency or change in nicotine dependence according to the Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence over three years in a population sample. John, U., Meyer, C., Rumpf, H.J., Schumann, A., Hapke, U. J. Addict. Dis (2005)
- No considerable long-term weight gain after smoking cessation: evidence from a prospective study. John, U., Meyer, C., Rumpf, H.J., Schumann, A., Dilling, H., Hapke, U. Eur. J. Cancer Prev. (2005)
- Gender and age differences among current smokers in a general population survey. John, U., Hanke, M., Meyer, C., Schumann, A. BMC. Public. Health (2005)
- Self-rated general health and psychiatric disorders in a general population sample. John, U., Meyer, C., Rumpf, H.J., Schumann, A., Dilling, H., Hapke, U. Eur. Psychiatry (2005)
- Smoking status, cigarettes per day, and their relationship to overweight and obesity among former and current smokers in a national adult general population sample. John, U., Hanke, M., Rumpf, H.J., Thyrian, J.R. Int. J. Obes. (Lond) (2005)
- Nicotine dependence, quit attempts, and quitting among smokers in a regional population sample from a country with a high prevalence of tobacco smoking. John, U., Meyer, C., Hapke, U., Rumpf, H.J., Schumann, A. Prev. Med (2004)
- Depressive disorders are related to nicotine dependence in the population but do not necessarily hamper smoking cessation. John, U., Meyer, C., Rumpf, H.J., Hapke, U. J. Clin. Psychiatry (2004)
- Self-efficacy to refrain from smoking predicted by major depression and nicotine dependence. John, U., Meyer, C., Rumpf, H.J., Hapke, U. Addict. Behav (2004)
- Nicotine dependence and lifetime amount of smoking in a population sample. John, U., Meyer, C., Hapke, U., Rumpf, H.J. Eur. J. Public. Health (2004)
- A short form of the Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence and the Heaviness of Smoking Index in two adult population samples. John, U., Meyer, C., Schumann, A., Hapke, U., Rumpf, H.J., Adam, C., Alte, D., Lüdemann, J. Addict. Behav (2004)
- Smoking, nicotine dependence and psychiatric comorbidity--a population-based study including smoking cessation after three years. John, U., Meyer, C., Rumpf, H.J., Hapke, U. Drug. Alcohol. Depend (2004)
- Alcohol high risk drinking, abuse and dependence among tobacco smoking medical care patients and the general population. John, U., Hill, A., Rumpf, H.J., Hapke, U., Meyer, C. Drug. Alcohol. Depend (2003)
- Tobacco-smoking prevalence among physicians and nurses in countries with different tobacco-control activities. John, U., Hanke, M. Eur. J. Cancer Prev. (2003)
- Probabilities of alcohol high-risk drinking, abuse or dependence estimated on grounds of tobacco smoking and nicotine dependence. John, U., Meyer, C., Rumpf, H.J., Hapke, U. Addiction (2003)
- The Fagerström test for nicotine dependence in two adult population samples-potential influence of lifetime amount of tobacco smoked on the degree of dependence. John, U., Meyer, C., Hapke, U., Rumpf, H.J., Schumann, A., Adam, C., Alte, D., Lüdemann, J. Drug. Alcohol. Depend (2003)
- Tobacco- and alcohol-attributable mortality and years of potential life lost in Germany. John, U., Hanke, M. Eur. J. Public. Health (2003)
- Tobacco smoking- and alcohol drinking-attributable cancer mortality in Germany. John, U., Hanke, M. Eur. J. Cancer Prev. (2002)
- The approach of comprehensive tobacco control in cancer prevention: elements and evidence. John, U. Eur. J. Cancer Prev. (2002)