Benjamin M. Yeh
Departments of Radiology and Pathology
University of California San Francisco
505 Parnassus Ave
Box 0628
Name/email consistency: high
- Azygos arch valves: prevalence and appearance at contrast-enhanced CT. Yeh, B.M., Coakley, F.V., Sanchez, H.C., Wilson, M.W., Reddy, G.P., Gotway, M.B. Radiology (2004)
- Precaval right renal arteries: prevalence and morphologic associations at spiral CT. Yeh, B.M., Coakley, F.V., Meng, M.V., Breiman, R.S., Stoller, M.L. Radiology (2004)
- Biliary tract depiction in living potential liver donors: comparison of conventional MR, mangafodipir trisodium-enhanced excretory MR, and multi-detector row CT cholangiography--initial experience. Yeh, B.M., Breiman, R.S., Taouli, B., Qayyum, A., Roberts, J.P., Coakley, F.V. Radiology (2004)
- Clinical relevance of retrograde inferior vena cava or hepatic vein opacification during contrast-enhanced CT. Yeh, B.M., Kurzman, P., Foster, E., Qayyum, A., Joe, B., Coakley, F. AJR. Am. J. Roentgenol (2004)