Jorge A. Colombo
Programa Unidad de Neurobiología Aplicada (PRUNA) (CEMIC-CONICET)
Buenos Aires
Name/email consistency: high
- Cerebral cortex astroglia and the brain of a genius: a propos of A. Einstein's. Colombo, J.A., Reisin, H.D., Miguel-Hidalgo, J.J., Rajkowska, G. Brain. Research. Reviews (2006)
- Immunohistochemical analysis of subcortical white matter astroglia of infant and adult primate brains, with a note on resident neurons. Colombo, J.A., Bentham, C. Brain Res. (2006)
- Glutamate uptake by rat brain astroglia incubated in human cerebrospinal fluid. Colombo, J.A. Med. Sci. Monit. (2005)
- Development of interlaminar astroglial processes in the cerebral cortex of control and Down's syndrome human cases. Colombo, J.A., Reisin, H.D., Jones, M., Bentham, C. Exp. Neurol. (2005)
- Interlaminar astroglia of the cerebral cortex: a marker of the primate brain. Colombo, J.A., Reisin, H.D. Brain Res. (2004)
- Interlaminar astroglial processes in the cerebral cortex of great apes. Colombo, J.A., Sherwood, C.C., Hof, P.R. Anat. Embryol. (2004)
- Disruption of astroglial interlaminar processes in Alzheimer's disease. Colombo, J.A., Quinn, B., Puissant, V. Brain Res. Bull. (2002)
- Fluoro Jade stains early and reactive astroglia in the primate cerebral cortex. Colombo, J.A., Puissant, V.I. J. Histochem. Cytochem. (2002)
- Tissue printing of astroglial interlaminar processes from human and non-human primate cerebral cortex. Colombo, J.A., Napp, M.I., Yáñez, A., Reisin, H. Brain Res. Bull. (2001)
- "Rodent-like" and "primate-like" types of astroglial architecture in the adult cerebral cortex of mammals: a comparative study. Colombo, J.A., Fuchs, E., Härtig, W., Marotte, L.R., Puissant, V. Anat. Embryol. (2000)
- Disruption of patterns of immunoreactive glial fibrillary acidic protein processes in the Cebus Apella striate cortex following loss of visual input. Colombo, J.A., Yáñez, A., Lipina, S. J. Hirnforsch (1999)
- Patterned distribution of immunoreactive astroglial processes in the striate (V1) cortex of New World monkeys. Colombo, J.A., Schleicher, A., Zilles, K. Glia (1999)
- Astroglial interlaminar processes in the cerebral cortex of prosimians and Old World monkeys. Colombo, J.A., Härtig, W., Lipina, S., Bons, N. Anat. Embryol. (1998)
- Cerebrospinal fluid from L-dopa-treated Parkinson's disease patients is dystrophic for various neural cell types ex vivo: effects of astroglia. Colombo, J.A., Napp, M.I. Exp. Neurol. (1998)
- Immunocytochemical and electron microscope observations on astroglial interlaminar processes in the primate neocortex. Colombo, J.A., Gayol, S., Yañez, A., Marco, P. J. Neurosci. Res. (1997)
- Interlaminar astroglial processes in the cerebral cortex of non human primates: response to injury. Colombo, J.A., Yáñez, A., Lipina, S.J. J. Hirnforsch (1997)
- Postnatal development of interlaminar astroglial processes in the cerebral cortex of primates. Colombo, J.A., Lipina, S., Yáñez, A., Puissant, V. Int. J. Dev. Neurosci. (1997)