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Christopher J. Conover

Center for Health Policy

Law & Management

Terry Sanford Institute of Public Policy

Duke University



Name/email consistency: high



  • Center for Health Policy, Law & Management, Terry Sanford Institute of Public Policy, Duke University, USA. 2006
  • Center for Health Policy, Law and Management, Duke University, Durham, USA. 1999 - 2005


  1. Income and employment of people living with combined HIV/AIDS, chronic mental illness, and substance abuse disorders. Conover, C.J., Arno, P., Weaver, M., Ang, A., Ettner, S.L. J. Ment. Health. Policy. Econ (2006) [Pubmed]
  2. The impact of Blue Cross conversions on health spending and the uninsured. Conover, C.J., Hall, M.A., Ostermann, J. Health. Aff. (Millwood) (2005) [Pubmed]
  3. Economic evaluations of HIV treatment and health research with people diagnosed with HIV infection and co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders. Conover, C.J., Ettner, S.L., Weaver, M., Flynn, P.M., Porto, J.V. AIDS. Care (2004) [Pubmed]
  4. The impact of ancillary services on primary care use and outcomes for HIV/AIDS patients with public insurance coverage. Conover, C.J., Whetten-Goldstein, K. AIDS. Care (2002) [Pubmed]
  5. Effects of Tennessee Medicaid managed care on obstetrical care and birth outcomes. Conover, C.J., Rankin, P.J., Sloan, F.A. J. Health. Polit. Policy. Law (2001) [Pubmed]
  6. The impact of TennCare on patient satisfaction with care. Conover, C.J., Mah, M.L., Rankin, P.J., Sloan, F.A. Am. J. Manag. Care (1999) [Pubmed]
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