David Wayne Johnson
Department of Nephrology
University of Queensland
Name/email consistency: high
- The effects of biocompatible compared with standard peritoneal dialysis solutions on peritonitis microbiology, treatment, and outcomes: the balANZ trial. Johnson, D.W., Brown, F.G., Clarke, M., Boudville, N., Elias, T.J., Foo, M.W., Jones, B., Kulkarni, H., Langham, R., Ranganathan, D., Schollum, J., Suranyi, M.G., Tan, S.H., Voss, D. Perit. Dial. Int (2012)
- Effects of biocompatible versus standard fluid on peritoneal dialysis outcomes. Johnson, D.W., Brown, F.G., Clarke, M., Boudville, N., Elias, T.J., Foo, M.W., Jones, B., Kulkarni, H., Langham, R., Ranganathan, D., Schollum, J., Suranyi, M., Tan, S.H., Voss, D. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. (2012)
- The effects of living distantly from peritoneal dialysis units on peritonitis risk, microbiology, treatment and outcomes: a multi-centre registry study. Cho, Y., Badve, S.V., Hawley, C.M., McDonald, S.P., Brown, F.G., M, N.B., Wiggins, K.J., Bannister, K.M., Clayton, P., Johnson, D.W. BMC. Nephrol (2012)
- A randomized controlled trial of oral heme iron polypeptide versus oral iron supplementation for the treatment of anaemia in peritoneal dialysis patients: HEMATOCRIT trial. Barraclough, K.A., Brown, F., Hawley, C.M., Leary, D., Noble, E., Campbell, S.B., Isbel, N.M., Mudge, D.W., van Eps, C.L., Johnson, D.W. Nephrol. Dial. Transplant. (2012)
- Association of pre-transplant statin use with delayed graft function in kidney transplant recipients. Reiling, J., Johnson, D.W., Kruger, P.S., Pillans, P., Wall, D.R. BMC. Nephrol (2012)
- Use of aminoglycosides for peritoneal dialysis-associated peritonitis does not affect residual renal function. Badve, S.V., Hawley, C.M., McDonald, S.P., Brown, F.G., Boudville, N.C., Wiggins, K.J., Bannister, K.M., Johnson, D.W. Nephrol. Dial. Transplant. (2012)
- End-stage kidney disease due to scleroderma--outcomes in 127 consecutive ANZDATA registry cases. Siva, B., McDonald, S.P., Hawley, C.M., Rosman, J.B., Brown, F.G., Wiggins, K.J., Bannister, K.M., Campbell, S.B., Johnson, D.W. Nephrol. Dial. Transplant. (2011)
- Rationale and design of the balANZ trial: a randomised controlled trial of low GDP, neutral pH versus standard peritoneal dialysis solution for the preservation of residual renal function. Johnson, D.W., Clarke, M., Wilson, V., Woods, F., Brown, F.G. BMC. Nephrol (2010)
- Frequencies of hepatitis B and C infections among haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients in Asia-Pacific countries: analysis of registry data. Johnson, D.W., Dent, H., Yao, Q., Tranaeus, A., Huang, C.C., Han, D.S., Jha, V., Wang, T., Kawaguchi, Y., Qian, J. Nephrol. Dial. Transplant. (2009)
- The honeypot study protocol: a randomized controlled trial of exit-site application of medihoney antibacterial wound gel for the prevention of catheter-associated infections in peritoneal dialysis patients. Johnson, D.W., Clark, C., Isbel, N.M., Hawley, C.M., Beller, E., Cass, A., de Zoysa, J., McTaggart, S., Playford, G., Rosser, B., Thompson, C., Snelling, P. Perit. Dial. Int (2009)
- Associations of dialysis modality and infectious mortality in incident dialysis patients in Australia and New Zealand. Johnson, D.W., Dent, H., Hawley, C.M., McDonald, S.P., Rosman, J.B., Brown, F.G., Bannister, K.M., Wiggins, K.J. Am. J. Kidney Dis. (2009)
- Association of dialysis modality and cardiovascular mortality in incident dialysis patients. Johnson, D.W., Dent, H., Hawley, C.M., McDonald, S.P., Rosman, J.B., Brown, F.G., Bannister, K., Wiggins, K.J. Clinical J. American Society Nephrology : Cjasn (2009)
- Oxpentifylline versus placebo in the treatment of erythropoietin-resistant anaemia: a randomized controlled trial. Johnson, D.W., Hawley, C.M., Rosser, B., Beller, E., Thompson, C., Fassett, R.G., Ferrari, P., MacDonald, S., Pedagogos, E., Cass, A. BMC. Nephrol (2008)
- Metabolic syndrome in severe chronic kidney disease: Prevalence, predictors, prognostic significance and effects of risk factor modification. Johnson, D.W., Armstrong, K., Campbell, S.B., Mudge, D.W., Hawley, C.M., Coombes, J.S., Prins, J.B., Isbel, N.M. Nephrology. (Carlton) (2007)
- Erythropoiesis-stimulating agent hyporesponsiveness. Johnson, D.W., Pollock, C.A., Macdougall, I.C. Nephrology. (Carlton) (2007)
- Intravenous versus oral iron supplementation in peritoneal dialysis patients. Johnson, D.W. Perit. Dial. Int (2007)
- What is the optimal fat mass in peritoneal dialysis patients? Johnson, D.W. Perit. Dial. Int (2007)
- Evaluation of renal function - CARI guidelines. Johnson, D.W. Aust. Fam. Physician (2007)
- Modification of cardiovascular risk in hemodialysis patients: an evidence-based review. Johnson, D.W., Craven, A.M., Isbel, N.M. Hemodial. Int (2007)
- Prevention of progression of kidney disease - CARI guidelines. Johnson, D.W. Aust. Fam. Physician (2007)
- Deceased donor renal transplantation--does side matter? Johnson, D.W., Mudge, D.W., Kaisar, M.O., Campbell, S.B., Hawley, C.M., Isbel, N.M., Wall, D., Griffin, A., Preston, J., Nicol, D.L. Nephrol. Dial. Transplant. (2006)
- A randomized controlled trial of coiled versus straight swan-neck Tenckhoff catheters in peritoneal dialysis patients. Johnson, D.W., Wong, J., Wiggins, K.J., Kirwan, R., Griffin, A., Preston, J., Wall, D., Campbell, S.B., Isbel, N.M., Mudge, D.W., Hawley, C.M., Nicol, D.L. Am. J. Kidney Dis. (2006)
- Dietary protein restriction as a treatment for slowing chronic kidney disease progression: the case against. Johnson, D.W. Nephrology. (Carlton) (2006)
- Delayed administration of darbepoetin or erythropoietin protects against ischemic acute renal injury and failure. Johnson, D.W., Pat, B., Vesey, D.A., Guan, Z., Endre, Z., Gobe, G.C. Kidney Int. (2006)
- Novel renoprotective actions of erythropoietin: new uses for an old hormone. Johnson, D.W., Forman, C., Vesey, D.A. Nephrology. (Carlton) (2006)
- Elevated white cell count at commencement of peritoneal dialysis predicts overall and cardiac mortality. Johnson, D.W., Wiggins, K.J., Armstrong, K.A., Campbell, S.B., Isbel, N.M., Hawley, C.M. Kidney Int. (2005)
- Randomized, controlled trial of topical exit-site application of honey (Medihoney) versus mupirocin for the prevention of catheter-associated infections in hemodialysis patients. Johnson, D.W., van Eps, C., Mudge, D.W., Wiggins, K.J., Armstrong, K., Hawley, C.M., Campbell, S.B., Isbel, N.M., Nimmo, G.R., Gibbs, H. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. (2005)
- Time-integrated CRP level strongly predicts PD patient outcomes--nice to know, but what should we do about it?. Johnson, D.W. Perit. Dial. Int (2005)
- Chronic kidney disease--management update. Johnson, D.W., Usherwood, T. Aust. Fam. Physician (2005)
- Automated reporting of GFR--coming soon to a laboratory near you!. Johnson, D., Usherwood, T. Aust. Fam. Physician (2005)
- Evidence-based guide to slowing the progression of early renal insufficiency. Johnson, D.W. Intern. Med. J (2004)
- A comparison of peritoneal equilibration tests performed 1 and 4 weeks after PD commencement. Johnson, D.W., Mudge, D.W., Blizzard, S., Arndt, M., O'Shea, A., Watt, R., Hamilton, J., Cottingham, S., Isbel, N.M., Hawley, C.M. Perit. Dial. Int (2004)
- Predictors of decline of residual renal function in new peritoneal dialysis patients. Johnson, D.W., Mudge, D.W., Sturtevant, J.M., Hawley, C.M., Campbell, S.B., Isbel, N.M., Hollett, P. Perit. Dial. Int (2003)
- Recommendations for the use of icodextrin in peritoneal dialysis patients. Johnson, D.W., Agar, J., Collins, J., Disney, A., Harris, D.C., Ibels, L., Irish, A., Saltissi, D., Suranyi, M. Nephrology. (Carlton) (2003)
- A peritoneal dialysis patient with fatal culture-negative peritonitis. Johnson, D.W., Gray, N., Snelling, P. Nephrology. (Carlton) (2003)
- A randomized controlled trial of topical exit site mupirocin application in patients with tunnelled, cuffed haemodialysis catheters. Johnson, D.W., MacGinley, R., Kay, T.D., Hawley, C.M., Campbell, S.B., Isbel, N.M., Hollett, P. Nephrol. Dial. Transplant. (2002)
- The effect of obesity on renal transplant outcomes. Johnson, D.W., Isbel, N.M., Brown, A.M., Kay, T.D., Franzen, K., Hawley, C.M., Campbell, S.B., Wall, D., Griffin, A., Nicol, D.L. Transplantation (2002)
- Icodextrin as salvage therapy in peritoneal dialysis patients with refractory fluid overload. Johnson, D.W., Arndt, M., O'Shea, A., Watt, R., Hamilton, J., Vincent, K. BMC. Nephrol (2001)
- Oral versus intravenous iron supplementation in peritoneal dialysis patients. Johnson, D.W., Herzig, K.A., Gissane, R., Campbell, S.B., Hawley, C.M., Isbel, N.M. Perit. Dial. Int (2001)