Cheong-Huat Tan
Department of Biological Sciences
National University of Singapore
Name/email consistency: high
- Ziwi, the zebrafish homologue of the Drosophila piwi: co-localization with vasa at the embryonic genital ridge and gonad-specific expression in the adults. Tan, C.H., Lee, T.C., Weeraratne, S.D., Korzh, V., Lim, T.M., Gong, Z. Gene Expr. Patterns (2002)
- Ziwi, the zebrafish homologue of the Drosophila piwi: co-localization with vasa at the embryonic genital ridge and gonad-specific expression in the adults. Tan, C.H., Lee, T.C., Weeraratne, S.D., Korzh, V., Lim, T.M., Gong, Z. Mech. Dev. (2002)