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Diego Brancaccio

Renal Unit Simone Martini




Name/email consistency: high



  • Renal Unit Simone Martini, Milan, Italy. 2011
  • Renal Division, Ospedale San Paulo, University of Milan, Via di Rudini 8, Italy. 2007
  • Chair of Nephrology, University of Milan, Ospedale San Paolo, Italy. 2002 - 2007
  • Renal Department, San Paolo Hospital, University of Milan, Italy. 2006
  • Renal Division, Ospedale San Paolo, Milan, Italy. 2004 - 2005
  • Renal Division and Clinical Chemistry and Microbiology, S. Paolo Hospital, University of Milan, Italy. 2005
  • Department of Nephrology and Dialysis, Milano, Italy. 2003


  1. CKD-MBD: an endless story. Brancaccio, D., Cozzolino, M. J. Nephrol. (2011) [Pubmed]
  2. Vitamin D receptor activator selectivity in the treatment of secondary hyperparathyroidism: understanding the differences among therapies. Brancaccio, D., Bommer, J., Coyne, D. Drugs (2007) [Pubmed]
  3. Management of secondary hyperparathyroidism in uremic patients: the role of the new vitamin D analogs. Brancaccio, D., Cozzolino, M., Galassi, A., Chiarelli, G., Butti, A., Bellasi, A., Rocca-Rey, L., Volpi, A., Anelli, A., Zoni, U., Fusaro, M., Brambilla, C., Missaglia, E., Crovetto, C., Russo, M., Longhini, C., Provenzano, R., Incalcaterra, F., Cerasola, G., Li Vecchi, M., Gallieni, M. J. Nephrol. (2007) [Pubmed]
  4. The continuous challenge of cardiovascular and bone and bone disease in uremic patients: clinical consequences of hyperphosphatemia and advanced therapeutic approaches. Brancaccio, D., Zoccali, C. J. Nephrol. (2006) [Pubmed]
  5. The mechanism of calcium deposition in soft tissues. Brancaccio, D., Cozzolino, M. Contrib. Nephrol (2005) [Pubmed]
  6. Matrix GLA protein gene polymorphisms: clinical correlates and cardiovascular mortality in chronic kidney disease patients. Brancaccio, D., Biondi, M.L., Gallieni, M., Turri, O., Galassi, A., Cecchini, F., Russo, D., Andreucci, V., Cozzolino, M. Am. J. Nephrol. (2005) [Pubmed]
  7. Hyperparathyroidism and anemia in uremic subjects: a combined therapeutic approach. Brancaccio, D., Cozzolino, M., Gallieni, M. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. (2004) [Pubmed]
  8. Severe cortical and trabecular osteopenia in secondary hyperparathyroidism. Brancaccio, D., Di Leo, C., Bestetti, A., Carpani, P., Tagliabue, L., Cozzolino, M., Galassi, A., Luigi Tarolo, G., Gallieni, M. Hemodial. Int (2003) [Pubmed]
  9. Bone disease in uremic patients: advances in PTH suppression. Brancaccio, D., Cozzolino, M., Gorio, A., Di Giulio, A.M., Gallieni, M. J. Nephrol. (2002) [Pubmed]
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