Elliot M. Frohman
Department of Neurology
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Name/email consistency: high
- Pearls: multiple sclerosis. Frohman, E.M., Greenberg, B.M. Semin. Neurol (2010)
- Relationship of optic nerve and brain conventional and non-conventional MRI measures and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness, as assessed by OCT and GDx: a pilot study. Frohman, E.M., Dwyer, M.G., Frohman, T., Cox, J.L., Salter, A., Greenberg, B.M., Hussein, S., Conger, A., Calabresi, P., Balcer, L.J., Zivadinov, R. J. Neurol. Sci. (2009)
- Optical coherence tomography: a window into the mechanisms of multiple sclerosis. Frohman, E.M., Fujimoto, J.G., Frohman, T.C., Calabresi, P.A., Cutter, G., Balcer, L.J. Nat. Clin. Pract. Neurol (2008)
- Pearls & Oy-sters: The medial longitudinal fasciculus in ocular motor physiology. Frohman, T.C., Galetta, S., Fox, R., Solomon, D., Straumann, D., Filippi, M., Zee, D., Frohman, E.M. Neurology (2008)
- Modeling axonal degeneration within the anterior visual system: implications for demonstrating neuroprotection in multiple sclerosis. Frohman, E.M., Costello, F., Stüve, O., Calabresi, P., Miller, D.H., Hickman, S.J., Sergott, R., Conger, A., Salter, A., Krumwiede, K.H., Frohman, T.C., Balcer, L., Zivadinov, R. Arch. Neurol. (2008)
- Immunologic mechanisms of multiple sclerosis. Frohman, E.M., Eagar, T., Monson, N., Stuve, O., Karandikar, N. Neuroimaging Clin. N. Am. (2008)
- Corticosteroids for multiple sclerosis: II. Application for disease-modifying effects. Shah, A., Eggenberger, E., Zivadinov, R., Stüve, O., Frohman, E.M. Neurotherapeutics (2007)
- Corticosteroids for multiple sclerosis: I. Application for treating exacerbations. Frohman, E.M., Shah, A., Eggenberger, E., Metz, L., Zivadinov, R., Stüve, O. Neurotherapeutics (2007)
- W. Ian McDonald, MB, ChB, PhD (1933-2006): the multiple sclerosis physician-scientist of the 20th century. Frohman, E.M., Stuve, O., Miller, D.H. Arch. Neurol. (2007)
- Is neuromyelitis optica distinct from multiple sclerosis?: something for "lumpers" and "splitters". Frohman, E.M., Kerr, D. Arch. Neurol. (2007)
- Optical coherence tomography in multiple sclerosis. Frohman, E., Costello, F., Zivadinov, R., Stuve, O., Conger, A., Winslow, H., Trip, A., Frohman, T., Balcer, L. Lancet. Neurol (2006)
- Azathioprine myelosuppression in multiple sclerosis: characterizing thiopurine methyltransferase polymorphisms. Frohman, E.M., Havrdova, E., Levinson, B., Slanar, O. Mult. Scler. (2006)
- Multiple sclerosis--the plaque and its pathogenesis. Frohman, E.M., Racke, M.K., Raine, C.S. N. Engl. J. Med. (2006)
- Most patients with multiple sclerosis or a clinically isolated demyelinating syndrome should be treated at the time of diagnosis. Frohman, E.M., Havrdova, E., Lublin, F., Barkhof, F., Achiron, A., Sharief, M.K., Stuve, O., Racke, M.K., Steinman, L., Weiner, H., Olek, M., Zivadinov, R., Corboy, J., Raine, C., Cutter, G., Richert, J., Filippi, M. Arch. Neurol. (2006)
- The neuro-ophthalmology of multiple sclerosis. Frohman, E.M., Frohman, T.C., Zee, D.S., McColl, R., Galetta, S. Lancet. Neurol (2005)
- Characterizing the mechanisms of progression in multiple sclerosis: evidence and new hypotheses for future directions. Frohman, E.M., Filippi, M., Stuve, O., Waxman, S.G., Corboy, J., Phillips, J.T., Lucchinetti, C., Wilken, J., Karandikar, N., Hemmer, B., Monson, N., De Keyser, J., Hartung, H., Steinman, L., Oksenberg, J.R., Cree, B.A., Hauser, S., Racke, M.K. Arch. Neurol. (2005)
- Therapeutic considerations for disease progression in multiple sclerosis: evidence, experience, and future expectations. Frohman, E.M., Stüve, O., Havrdova, E., Corboy, J., Achiron, A., Zivadinov, R., Sorensen, P.S., Phillips, J.T., Weinshenker, B., Hawker, K., Hartung, H.P., Steinman, L., Zamvil, S., Cree, B.A., Hauser, S., Weiner, H., Racke, M.K., Filippi, M. Arch. Neurol. (2005)
- Disease modifying agent related skin reactions in multiple sclerosis: prevention, assessment, and management. Frohman, E.M., Brannon, K., Alexander, S., Sims, D., Phillips, J.T., O'Leary, S., Hawker, K., Racke, M.K. Mult. Scler. (2004)
- An unusual variant of the dorsal midbrain syndrome in MS: clinical characteristics and pathophysiologic mechanisms. Frohman, E.M., Dewey, R.B., Frohman, T.C. Mult. Scler. (2004)
- Mycophenolate mofetil in multiple sclerosis. Frohman, E.M., Brannon, K., Racke, M.K., Hawker, K. Clin. Neuropharmacol (2004)
- Horizontal monocular saccadic failure: an unusual clinically isolated syndrome progressing to multiple sclerosis. Frohman, E.M., Frohman, T.C. Mult. Scler. (2003)
- A new measure of dysconjugacy in INO: the first-pass amplitude. Frohman, E.M., O'Suilleabhain, P., Dewey, R.B., Frohman, T.C., Kramer, P.D. J. Neurol. Sci. (2003)
- Multiple sclerosis. Frohman, E.M. Med. Clin. North Am. (2003)
- The utility of MRI in suspected MS: report of the Therapeutics and Technology Assessment Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology. Frohman, E.M., Goodin, D.S., Calabresi, P.A., Corboy, J.R., Coyle, P.K., Filippi, M., Frank, J.A., Galetta, S.L., Grossman, R.I., Hawker, K., Kachuck, N.J., Levin, M.C., Phillips, J.T., Racke, M.K., Rivera, V.M., Stuart, W.H. Neurology (2003)
- Accuracy of clinical detection of INO in MS: corroboration with quantitative infrared oculography. Frohman, T.C., Frohman, E.M., O'Suilleabhain, P., Salter, A., Dewey, R.B., Hogan, N., Galetta, S., Lee, A.G., Straumann, D., Noseworthy, J., Zee, D., Corbett, J., Corboy, J., Rivera, V.M., Kramer, P.D. Neurology (2003)
- Disease-modifying therapy in multiple sclerosis: strategies for optimizing management. Frohman, E., Phillips, T., Kokel, K., Van Pelt, J., O'Leary, S., Gross, S., Hawker, K., Racke, M. Neurologist (2002)
- Bladder, Bowel, and Sexual Dysfunction in Multiple Sclerosis. Hawker, K.S., Frohman, E.M. Curr. Treat. Options. Neurol (2001)