E.J. Weinman
Department of Medicine
West Virginia University School of Medicine
Morgantown 26506
Name/email consistency: high
- Regulation of the Na/H exchanger regulatory factor in OK cells. Weinman, E.J., Steplock, D., Lamprecht, G., Yun, C.H., Shenolikar, S. Miner. Electrolyte. Metab (1999)
- Molecular cloning of the cDNA and promoter sequences for the mouse sodium-hydrogen exchanger regulatory factor. Weinman, E.J., Steplock, D., Zhang, X., Akhter, S., Shenolikar, S. Biochim. Biophys. Acta (1999)
- Structure-function of recombinant Na/H exchanger regulatory factor (NHE-RF). Weinman, E.J., Steplock, D., Tate, K., Hall, R.A., Spurney, R.F., Shenolikar, S. J. Clin. Invest. (1998)
- The Na-H exchanger regulatory factor. Weinman, E.J., Shenolikar, S. Exp. Nephrol. (1997)