George M. Anderson
Departments of Child Psychiatry & Laboratory Medicine
Yale University School of Medicine
230 S. Frontage Rd.
New Haven
Name/email consistency: high
- Brief report: platelet-poor plasma serotonin in autism. Anderson, G.M., Hertzig, M.E., McBride, P.A. J. Autism. Dev. Disord (2012)
- Conceptualizing autism: the role for emergence. Anderson, G.M. J. Am. Acad. Child. Adolesc. Psychiatry (2009)
- The potential role for emergence in autism. Anderson, G.M. Autism Research : Official J. International Society Autism Research (2008)
- Effects of short- and long-term risperidone treatment on prolactin levels in children with autism. Anderson, G.M., Scahill, L., McCracken, J.T., McDougle, C.J., Aman, M.G., Tierney, E., Arnold, L.E., Martin, A., Katsovich, L., Posey, D.J., Shah, B., Vitiello, B. Biol. Psychiatry (2007)
- Time course of the effects of the serotonin-selective reuptake inhibitor sertraline on central and peripheral serotonin neurochemistry in the rhesus monkey. Anderson, G.M., Barr, C.S., Lindell, S., Durham, A.C., Shifrovich, I., Higley, J.D. Psychopharmacology (Berl.) (2005)
- Autism clinical trials: biological and medical issues in patient selection and treatment response. Anderson, G.M., Zimmerman, A.W., Akshoomoff, N., Chugani, D.C. CNS. Spectr (2004)
- Platelet serotonin in newborns and infants: ontogeny, heritability, and effect of in utero exposure to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Anderson, G.M., Czarkowski, K., Ravski, N., Epperson, C.N. Pediatr. Res. (2004)
- Peripheral and central neurochemical effects of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) in humans and nonhuman primates: assessing bioeffect and mechanisms of action. Anderson, G.M. Int. J. Dev. Neurosci. (2004)
- Serotonin in cisternal cerebrospinal fluid of rhesus monkeys: basal levels and effects of sertraline administration. Anderson, G.M., Bennett, A.J., Weld, K.P., Pushkas, J.G., Ocame, D.M., Higley, J.D. Psychopharmacology (Berl.) (2002)
- Serotonin transporter promoter variants in autism: functional effects and relationship to platelet hyperserotonemia. Anderson, G.M., Gutknecht, L., Cohen, D.J., Brailly-Tabard, S., Cohen, J.H., Ferrari, P., Roubertoux, P.L., Tordjman, S. Mol. Psychiatry (2002)
- Adrenomedullary function during cognitive testing in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Anderson, G.M., Dover, M.A., Yang, B.P., Holahan, J.M., Shaywitz, S.E., Marchione, K.E., Hall, L.M., Fletcher, J.M., Shaywitz, B.A. J. Am. Acad. Child. Adolesc. Psychiatry (2000)