Guy E. J. Faulkner
Faculty of Physical Education and Health
University of Toronto
55 Harbord Street
Toronto ON
Name/email consistency: high
- Economic instruments for obesity prevention: results of a scoping review and modified delphi survey. Faulkner, G.E., Grootendorst, P., Nguyen, V.H., Andreyeva, T., Arbour-Nicitopoulos, K., Auld, M.C., Cash, S.B., Cawley, J., Donnelly, P., Drewnowski, A., Dubé, L., Ferrence, R., Janssen, I., Lafrance, J., Lakdawalla, D., Mendelsen, R., Powell, L.M., Traill, W.B., Windmeijer, F. Int. J. Behav. Nutr. Phys. Act (2011)
- Active school transport, physical activity levels and body weight of children and youth: a systematic review. Faulkner, G.E., Buliung, R.N., Flora, P.K., Fusco, C. Prev. Med (2009)
- Psychiatric illness and obesity: recognizing the "obesogenic" nature of an inpatient psychiatric setting. Faulkner, G.E., Gorczynski, P.F., Cohn, T.A. Psychiatr. Serv (2009)
- School disconnectedness: identifying adolescents at risk in Ontario, Canada. Faulkner, G.E., Adlaf, E.M., Irving, H.M., Allison, K.R., Dwyer, J. J. Sch. Health (2009)
- ParticipACTION: Baseline assessment of the capacity available to the 'New ParticipACTION': A qualitative study of Canadian organizations. Faulkner, G., McCloy, C., Plotnikoff, R.C., Bauman, A., Brawley, L.R., Chad, K., Gauvin, L., Spence, J.C., Tremblay, M.S. Int. J. Behav. Nutr. Phys. Act (2009)
- Interventions to reduce weight gain in schizophrenia. Faulkner, G., Cohn, T., Remington, G. Cochrane. Database. Syst. Rev (2007)
- Body mass index, waist circumference and quality of life in individuals with schizophrenia. Faulkner, G., Cohn, T., Remington, G., Irving, H. Schizophr. Res. (2007)
- The acceptability of physical activity programming within a smoking cessation service for individuals with severe mental illness. Faulkner, G., Taylor, A., Munro, S., Selby, P., Gee, C. Patient. Educ. Couns (2007)
- The relationship between vigorous physical activity and juvenile delinquency: a mediating role for self-esteem?. Faulkner, G.E., Adlaf, E.M., Irving, H.M., Allison, K.R., Dwyer, J.J., Goodman, J. J. Behav. Med (2007)
- Interventions to reduce weight gain in schizophrenia. Faulkner, G., Cohn, T., Remington, G. Schizophr. Bull (2007)
- Validation of a physical activity assessment tool for individuals with schizophrenia. Faulkner, G., Cohn, T., Remington, G. Schizophr. Res. (2006)
- Canada on the Move: an intensive media analysis from inception to reception. Faulkner, G., Finlay, S.J. Can. J. Public. Health (2006)
- Physical activity in the process of psychiatric rehabilitation: theoretical and methodological issues. Faulkner, G., Carless, D. Psychiatr. Rehabil. J (2006)
- Schizophrenia and weight management: a systematic review of interventions to control weight. Faulkner, G., Soundy, A.A., Lloyd, K. Acta. Psychiatr. Scand (2003)