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Hülya Zeytinoglu

Department of Biology

Faculty of Science

Anadolu University

26470 Eskisehir



Name/email consistency: high



  • Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Anadolu University, 26470 Eskisehir, Turkey. 2003 - 2008


  1. Determination of genotoxic, antigenotoxic and cytotoxic potential of the extract from lichen Cetraria aculeata (Schreb.) Fr. in vitro. Zeytinoglu, H., Incesu, Z., Tuylu, B.A., Turk, A.O., Barutca, B. Phytother. Res (2008) [Pubmed]
  2. Inhibition of DNA synthesis by carvacrol in mouse myoblast cells bearing a human N-RAS oncogene. Zeytinoglu, H., Incesu, Z., Baser, K.H. Phytomedicine (2003) [Pubmed]
  3. Mutagenicity assay in Salmonella for thirteen 2-substituted-1 H-phenanthro (9,10-d) imidazoles. Zeytinoğlu, H., Ergene, E., Tüylü, B.A. Drug. Chem. Toxicol (2003) [Pubmed]
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