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Jon D. Elhai

Disaster Mental Health Institute

University of South Dakota

Vermillion 57069-2390



Name/email consistency: high



  • Disaster Mental Health Institute, University of South Dakota, Vermillion 57069-2390, USA. 2004 - 2005


  1. Utility of the trauma symptom inventory's atypical response scale in detecting malingered post-traumatic stress disorder. Elhai, J.D., Gray, M.J., Naifeh, J.A., Butcher, J.J., Davis, J.L., Falsetti, S.A., Best, C.L. Assessment (2005) [Pubmed]
  2. Discriminating malingered from genuine civilian posttraumatic stress disorder: a validation of three MMPI-2 Infrequency scales (F, Fp, and Fptsd). Elhai, J.D., Naifeh, J.A., Zucker, I.S., Gold, S.N., Deitsch, S.E., Frueh, B.C. Assessment (2004) [Pubmed]
  3. Psychiatric symptoms and health service utilization in rural and urban combat veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder. Elhai, J.D., Baugher, S.N., Quevillon, R.P., Sauvageot, J., Frueh, B.C. J. Nerv. Ment. Dis. (2004) [Pubmed]
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