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Karen D. Davis

Institute of Medical Science

Department of Surgery

University of Toronto




Name/email consistency: high



  • Institute of Medical Science, Department of Surgery, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 2002 - 2008
  • Toronto Western Research Institute, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 2005
  • Toronto Western Hospital, MP14-306, 399 Bathurst Street, Toronto, Canada. 2004
  • Toronto Western Research Institute, Toronto Western Hospital, Room MP14-306, 399 Bathurst Street, Canada. 2004


  1. Cortical thinning in IBS: implications for homeostatic, attention, and pain processing. Davis, K.D., Pope, G., Chen, J., Kwan, C.L., Crawley, A.P., Diamant, N.E. Neurology (2008) [Pubmed]
  2. Human anterior cingulate cortex neurons encode cognitive and emotional demands. Davis, K.D., Taylor, K.S., Hutchison, W.D., Dostrovsky, J.O., McAndrews, M.P., Richter, E.O., Lozano, A.M. J. Neurosci. (2005) [Pubmed]
  3. Perceptual illusion of "paradoxical heat" engages the insular cortex. Davis, K.D., Pope, G.E., Crawley, A.P., Mikulis, D.J. J. Neurophysiol. (2004) [Pubmed]
  4. Neuroimaging of pain. Davis, K.D. Suppl. Clin. Neurophysiol (2004) [Pubmed]
  5. Noxious cold evokes multiple sensations with distinct time courses. Davis, K.D., Pope, G.E. Pain (2002) [Pubmed]
  6. Neural correlates of prickle sensation: a percept-related fMRI study. Davis, K.D., Pope, G.E., Crawley, A.P., Mikulis, D.J. Nat. Neurosci. (2002) [Pubmed]
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