Kent J. DeZee
Department of Medicine
Uniformed Services University
Maryland 20814
Name/email consistency: high
- Effect of financial remuneration on specialty choice of fourth-year U.S. medical students. DeZee, K.J., Maurer, D., Colt, R., Shimeall, W., Mallory, R., Powers, J., Durning, S.J. Acad. Med (2011)
- Letters of recommendation: rating, writing, and reading by clerkship directors of internal medicine. DeZee, K.J., Thomas, M.R., Mintz, M., Durning, S.J. Teach. Learn. Med (2009)
- Treatment of excessive anticoagulation with phytonadione (vitamin K): a meta-analysis. Dezee, K.J., Shimeall, W.T., Douglas, K.M., Shumway, N.M., O'malley, P.G. Arch. Intern. Med. (2006)
- The Epworth sleepiness scale: relationship to sleep and mental disorders in a sleep clinic. DeZee, K.J., Jackson, J.L., Hatzigeorgiou, C., Kristo, D. Sleep Med. (2006)
- Effect of electronic versus print format and different reading resources on knowledge acquisition in the third-year medicine clerkship. DeZee, K.J., Durning, S., Denton, G.D. Teach. Learn. Med (2005)
- Prevalence of and screening for mental disorders in a sleep clinic. DeZee, K.J., Hatzigeorgiou, C., Kristo, D., Jackson, J.L. J. Clinical Sleep Medicine : Jcsm : Official Publication American Academy Sleep Medicine (2005)